Adore You @BooksandGray

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Reviewer: cwang1


What an amazing cover! It's somewhat simplistic but the title really stands out and the picture looks amazing.

I really liked how you ended the blurb. It's definitely true that 'some people deserve a closer look' and there are definitely people that 'have much more to offer than meets the eye.'

I really liked how you had a lot of dialogue. This definitely helped me to get to better know the characters and made it much more interesting to read the book.

I enjoyed your description, which was always very vivid and interesting, so good job with that.


I did think that your blurb portrayed your book as a sort of cliche book, as it does somewhat follow a lot of cliche plots I have seen going around. I would also recommend putting more information into your blurb. Right now, your blurb doesn't really get me excited to read your book, something a good blurb should do. Thus, adding more information should help that.

I would recommend perhaps ending your chapters on cliffhangers or making a more interesting ending, as some of your chapter endings aren't very interesting, possibly making readers not want to read the next chapter.

I would recommend putting some sort of line break or text divider between your author's note and writing, as it can get a bit confusing at times for readers.

Sometimes, you didn't format your dialogue correctly and incorrectly capitalized some things, so I would just watch out for that.


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