Red & Black @Dreamgirlsky

23 2 3

Reviewer- Savannah_Rose101

Book cover – Your cover is beautiful! Although, it does give off more romance vibes than action vibes. Since your book is action romance, it is fine.

Title – The title fits perfectly because of the clothes they each have so nothing to say there.

Blurb – Usually I say that shorter blurbs are not the best because the writer is either telling the reader exactly what is going to happen, or not providing enough details to interest the reader. Yours is neither. It is just enough to draw the reader in without giving away the plot/ storyline of the story.

Descriptions, grammar, vocabulary – The only issue with this that I saw was your punctuation. For example, '"okay,take care."I reply.' This is incorrect. It should be presented as, "Okay, take care." I reply. You need to have spaces in-between your words and after punctuation.

Characters –At the beginning, Rhea's personality comes off as closed off, small, and sweet. Then you completely change it up when she was pushed into dimension 3 with Nathan. Then all of a sudden, she's a badass threatening to slip Nathan's throat. Maybe clear that up a bit, and show that side of her before she switches dimensions.

Storyline – The storyline is unique and intriguing! It is very beautiful!

Dialogue – You have great dialogue. It is just enough to even out on the descriptions end.

Pacing – You aren't moving the story too fast nor too slow so good job!

Enjoyment –10/10!

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