Cindy sees Ava

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"Here she is" the nurse says as she hands Ave who was wrapped up in one of the hospital blankets to Logan

"Hi Ava Henderson aren't you a cute little baby" he says as he starts to rock her in his arms as everyone admires Ava

"She is really cute" James says when he sees Ava in Logan arms

"She is going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older" Carlos says to him

"That she is i can't wait to skateboard and surf with her" Logan says to the group

After a while the group leaves after they took many pictures of Ava and Logan together

"I'm going to call a nurse to watch Ava, and I'm going to grab Cindy, so you can see her" Erin says as she takes Ava from Logan

"Could you bring her here cause i really miss her, and i want to sleep with her" he says as he gets comfortable in his hospital bed after the nurses disappeared and two more came in to move him to recovery

"Yeah I can do that Logan you just rest and I will see you in recovery with Cindy" Erin says as she leaves with Ava in her bassinet to go down to the nursery to stay for a while cause mommy wanted to get some sleep after that labor

"Cindy do you want to meet your baby sister?" Erin asks after she drops Ava off in the nursery

"Ya" Cindy says as she goes towards mommy, so she can meet her baby sister

Erin and Cindy go to one of the windows, so Cindy could see Ava really good

"See she is right there" Erin says as she points Ava out for Cindy

"I can't see mommy" Cindy says to her

"Let me pick you up, so you can see her a little better" Erin says as she picks up the little girl so she could see the baby a bit better then what she could at the moment

"Better?" Erin asks Cindy

"Better" Cindy says happily to her

"There she is" Erin says as a nurse holds her up, so Cindy can see Ava

"She looks like daddy" Cindy tells Erin

"Yes speaking of daddy he wants to see you" Erin says as she takes Cindy to Logan's room, so he could see her cause he missed his little princess

(Logan's room)

"Daddy" Cindy says as she comes into his room

"Hey princess" he says as Erin puts her on his bed

Cindy snuggles close to Logan caused she hasn't seen him for a long time

"Missed you daddy" she says as she lays her head at his side

'I missed you too princess" he says as he hugs her tight cause he was glad to have her back in his arms once again

Logan covered Cindy up as she started to get comfortable next to daddy

"Your belly is different" she says with a chuckle

"Yeah cause sissy was living there until she popped out, and now daddy belly is going to go back to normal, and he can chase after you" he says as he tickles her causing her to laugh with glee

"Stop daddy" she says as she laughs

"I think you are extremely ticklish" he says as he continues to tickle her

Logan stops cause Cindy started to cough from laughing so much

"Now to go to bed, so tomorrow me, you and Ava can bond cause mommy is going out of town for a business trip. I hate to have you stay with a stranger while I'm in the hospital recovering from the birth of you baby sister" he says as he wraps his arms around Cindy who started to fall asleep

"Bye Logan I'll be back soon" Erin says as she gived him a kiss

"By Erin be safe" he tells her as she leaves the room to go home and get to the airport cause she had a flight to ctach

"I will" she says as she sticks her head back into his room before going to the elevators to go to her car, so she could leave

"Night daddy" Cindy says to him as she goes to sleep

"Night princess i love you with all my heart" he says as he gives her a kiss on her small little head after he put the hospital bed down, so they could sleep better that night

Logan keeps the light on cause Cindy was scared of the dark a little bit, and he didn't want to upset her anymore then what he wanted too

(Next morning)

Logan woke up and got up to go use the bathroom cause he hated to move the bed and disturb Cindy who was fast asleep like a little angel. After he went he fell back asleep on the couch that was in the room and he was surprised when he saw someone in the bed as he was getting ready to lay down

'Hello Logan" Kendall says to him when he sees Logan

'Kendall what are you doing here?" Logan asks in a whisper cause CIndy was still sleeping

"Since Ava is born I want to go for the second one" Kendall says as he gets up to make the drink that got Logan pregnant in the first place

Logan calls for security to come and take Kendall out of the room

"Thank goodness I'm locking the door, and going back to bed" Logan says as he shuts the door to his hospital room, and goes over to the couch to go to bed once again for the second time that night

Sleep never came, so Logan decided to go down and see Ava and to see how she was doing

"Hi Ava" he says when he sees his daughter in the nursery sound asleep like a little angel that she was

'Would you like to hold her?" the nurse asks him

"Yeah" he says as he goes into the hallway, so he could hold little Ava in his arms once again

The nurse brings him Ava, and he holds his arms out for her

"Hi Ava" he says to the baby that was sleeping peacefully at the moment

"Am i crazy or is this the most beautiful baby ever born?" he asks as he holds her

"She is perfect" the nurse says as a code goes off for everyone on stafe to report to the mother's room

Logan stayed there and continues to hold Ava in his arms

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