Final part

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"Thanks Kenny I am super sore" Logan says as they had entered his room that he was going to be in after the c-section

"I figured you were going to be sore and I have your special pillow as well that you need so you can be comfortable as well" Kendall says as he got the pillow that he had brought from Logan's room cause he kept the bag there cause Logan was going to go back to that room after he was in recovery and he had recovered enough that he could go back to the room with the girls and see how they were going to care for them cause they were going to be in the nursery

Logan was grateful that Kendall was going to take super good care of him as he was going to be recovering from the births as well cause that took a toll on him as well so he was going to be in bed for at least a day or more until he could walk around the room cause his body had to readjust to what it was before the girls were born and that was not going to be an easy task at all and the first one was laying right by his nerves to his back so that was not going to feel good walking right after delivery as well

"Do you have the blanket the kids made as well cause I am going to take a little nap as well cause the medicine is starting to make me sleepy" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall right now cause the operation took a lot of him and some sleep was going to be just the ticket to get him right again for a little bit then he was going to try to eat as well too cause he needed his strength for later when he goes and sees the babies and see how they were doing cause since they were born they had to go to the NICU cause they were conjoined and they had to monitor the vital signs as well on both of the girls as well in case one of the girls decided to take a turn

"Yeah right here it's plenty big enough you could go under it and be on your phone if you wanted it looks like they made you a tent and not a blanket" Kendall says as he looks at Logan who was in pain but he was also tired as well so he was going to get some sleep as well before he ses the girls cause the surgery took it out of him

Kendall covers Logan up and he kisses him on the forehead and he was going to go and get himself something to eat, go home get a quick shower, get some sleep as well and he was going to come back to the hospital later on to see Logan and maybe see the girls as well cause he was going to let Logan get some sleep too cause once him and the girls come home he will barely get any sleep and they will have to do shifts with the babies like from a certain time to a certain time he was going to be up with them and Logan was going to sleep and then Logan will take over while he sleeps and they will keep that schedule until the babies sleep through the night and they may not be for a while at least until they were a few months old hopefully and once the twins have the surgery that will be a nightmare

"Night Logan I'll be back later on okay I'm going to step out for a little bit and freshen up and grab a bite to eat" Kendall says in a whisper to Logan as Logan was totally sound asleep at this point

Logan moans as he was sleeping so Kendall took that as a victory right now with him and Kendall was going to return later once he got some sleep and he got some food in his system as well and he was going to return to help Logan take his first shower since the delivery cause Logan wanted to clean up as well after he had the twins

(Much later)

Kendall returns after he took a nap and he got some food for Logan as well cause he deserves a feast for a king after what he just went through with the babies and he was going to have a shower after he ate cause he would want to see the babies right away and bond with them as well cause he wanted to see how they were doing since he was only able to see them for a little bit right after they were born, so it was a brief glimpse before they had to be taken away to be checked out and they were not brought back to Kendall and Logan, so they could really see the girls and see who they looked like the most and see if their names fit them as well and that was not the case at all  cause the twins were conjoined and they had to be monitored as well and that broke Logan's heart that he could not really see the girls that much cause he had certain color bows for the girls so he could tell them apart cause each girl was going to have a color that was going to help tell the girls apart if they were identical cause if they were identical they were going to have a hard time telling them totally apart and if they were fraternal twins that was okay cause he was going to be able to tell them apart cause one would look like him and the other one would look like Kendall more and if the twins had a mix that was completely fine

More to come hopefully

The little gymnast wattys 2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora