Logan explains about Britton

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"Mommy" Cindy says when she saw Erin get in the car 

"Hi baby girl" Erin says as she gets in, so the family can go get ice cream that night cause Logan promised Cindy ice cream when mommy got home from her trip

"I have missed you so much" he says as he hugs Erin after she closes the door

"I have missed you too" Erin says as they go in for a kiss

"It feels good to have kissed you again" he says after they broke the kiss cause he knew he had the kids in the car

"Me too let's go get ice cream, and I can bond with Miss. Britton back there" Erin says when she looks back at Britton who was fast asleep in her car seat not making a sound

"Yes let's I can't wait to hear about your trip" Logan says as he heads to the local ice cream parlor int own that was still open at this hour

"Logan did anything else happen while I was gone?" Erin asks as Logan continues to drive to the ice cream parlor

"Yes Kendall came over to the house to stay with me while you were gone. He tried to get me pregnant again. I was luckily he was there cause he helped me through the second birth cause Britton was really small, but she turned out okay" Logan says as he continues to drive

"I can't believe Kendall would do that while I am away he knows better" Erin says angrily

"Me either I told him that i didn't want to get pregnant that fast and I do not want any more kids right now. I have my hands full with the ones I have" he says as he continues to drive

"That true I want to be the one that is in the delivery room next time" Erin says as they arrive at the ice cream parlor

(Ice cream parlor)

"Okay Cindy here we are" he says as he parks the car close to the ice cream shop

Cindy was very excited to go in and have some ice cream with mommy and daddy that night

"Come here Ava darling" Erin says as she gets the sleeping baby out of the car

"Hi Britton" he says as he gets the smallest baby out of her car seat

Britton stretches and settles back down into mommy's arms

"Logan how is this going to work?" Erin asks him

"I have the slings, so the girls can still sleep, and we can eat our ice cream" he says as he gets the slings out of the trunk, so the girls could continue to sleep 

"Did you bring bottles for the girls?" Erin asks him

"No i didn't but hopefully we ain't there long, and I can get home in time to feed them, and get the girls ready for bed once again" he says as they head into the ice cream shop to have some ice cream that night to celebrate Erin coming home

"Can i get that daddy?" Cindy asks when she sees the challenge that was on the wall

"Are you sure you can finish it baby girl?" he asks her when he sees the challenge on the wall

Cindy nods

"Okay I'll get it for you baby girl. I hope you don't get sick from the challenge" he says as he orders the ice cream for Cindy that she was going to eat

"I can't believe she is going to eat all that ice cream" Erin says as she goes and sits down with Ava who woke up from her slumber and was looking around at where she was

"Neither can i hope she made room for all that ice cream" he says as he gets Britton out cause she started to get a little fussy

"Hi Britton aren't you a cute baby" Erin says when she saw the cute baby that Logan had in his arms

"Yes she is" Logan says as he rocks Britton to calm her down a little bit since they were going to be there as while cause Cindy was taking the challenge

"Logan does she need change?' Erin asks him

"I think she does luckily i have the diaper bag in the car just in case the twins need changed. If the twins need fed I could see if they will latch on to me" he says as he leaves with Britton to change her

Ava was happy in her sling with Erin


"Logan will it be okay if i hold Britton?" Erin asks him

"Sure" he says as he hands the baby over to Erin

"She is so tiny" Erin says when she holds Britton in her arms

'Yeah but she is one mighty little girl" he says with a chuckle as he digs into his ice cream that he got since Erin had both girls

"I can tell she is" Erin says as she rocks Britton in her arms

Britton ends up falling back asleep in Erin's arms

"She is asleep" Erin says in a whisper

"Yeah she has her belly full, and a new diaper so she should be happy for a while" he says as he puts Britton back into her sling

"Logan i think Ava is hungry" Erin says when she sees Ava suck on her little fingers

"I'll go out and feed her" he says as he takes the girls out to his car, so he could see if Ava will latch onto mommy

"I'll stay here with Cindy" Erin says to Logan

"I'll be back" he says as he leaves to take care of the girls

"Okay I'll be right here" Erin says as she goes over to Cindy to see how she was doing with her ice cream challenge that she was taking at the moment that night

Cindy was deep into her challenge and she was halfway done with the challenge that she was taking at the moment

"Cindy I am going to need to give you a bath when we get home" Erin says with a chuckle as she wipes Cindy's mouth cause her face was covered with ice cream

Cindy was able to finish the challenge a few minutes later

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