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Here is the full chapter you guys have been waiting on i hope you guys like it so comment and vote if you like it 

Logan was going to wash the suits and get them all to the kids so they could start to pack for the trip and when the one's came back from camp they were going to get their suits as well and their clothes

"Kenny should they get new shoes?" Logan asks as he was going over the list he made earlier for himself so he knew what he needed to get still and what they didn't need for the park

"Yes Logie and they will break them in before we go cause i am going to get a ring rope or something for the little one's so they stayed close to us as we head through the park and the wagon can be for the one's who are tired and don't want to walk no more and the stroller is going to be for the babies that way they can be safe and secured and if they want to be carried Kendall and Logan were going to have carriers for the babies so they can take everything in and if the park had rest areas cause they were sure they were going to need it for the little one's they will only tolerate so much before they have a meltdown

"Sounds like a plan to me that way we can keep them together as we travel and we can take head count every time we travel to make sure we still have the kids" Logan says to him as they planned the trip and what they were packing and how they were all going to carry everything or transport everything

"I can behind once in a while as we walk and i can do potty breaks with the kids" Kendall says

"Perfect and if you want to lead i can be behind and do the potty breaks as well cause i am okay with that completely" Logan says to Kendall cause he was going to have the long wagon and that was going to stay in the trailer until they headed for the park and Kendall or him could pull it for the little kids if they didn't want the rope

"Logan it makes sense to bring the wagon cause it has all of the colors and more for the kids" Kendall says to him cause they could put the extra stuff in the back or have one of the older ones pull a wagon with the extra stuff in it

(Days later)

Kendall got a R.V so the kids could walk around and Logan could get to them better and it had a lot of room for all of their toys and their luggage as well

"Wow Kendall that is huge" Logan says when he sees it as he brought out the luggage to be loaded

"I know we need it for the kids" Kendall says as they shared a kiss

"Of course and plenty of room for them with car seats" Logan says as he went on to see where the car seats will go in the R.V so they could get on the road and get going hopefully the rest or the following day

Logan got the car seats all situated and Kendall was more then happy to do it for Logan as well cause Logan wanted the car seats in a specific order


"Okay I think we are ready to go Logie" Kendall says as he looks at the car seats

"Let's get some of the kids boarded and buckled in so we can hit the road a little early" Logan says cause he wanted to get halfway there so when Kendall pulls over they can rest and if Logan is up and the kids are still asleep Logan will drive the rest of the way 

"Okay that sounds like a plan and we can pull over and get some sleep as well and we can continue with the kids since we have food and everything they love for breakfast in the R.v" Kendall says as theyw ere going ot get everyone on board and everything else 

Kendall and Logan got the little ones in the R.V first and the older kids were going to board when they everything gathered up and they were going to sit at the table playing a game or something as they were going down the road cause they were excited to see the sights as they were traveling 


"Hi baby doll" Logan says as he picks her up and holds her since she was fussy and not a happy camper as well 

Once the baby girl was in Logan's arms she was a happy girl 

"I think she wanted mommy" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as they were going to take a seat 

"I think so too" Logan says as he was going to rock her a little bit as Kendall was going to drive 

Logan was going to see if she wanted to eat and she was happy as she was nursing from mommy 

"Eat up baby doll" Logan says as he was feeding her 

Logan burped and changed her and tucked her in 

"Sweetie i am not that far away i am close by" he says as he kisses her good night as he went to check on the other ones   

One of the other little ones wanted to be held and Logan was going to hold him 

"Hey buddy want to be up with papa as daddy drives?" Logan asks him 

He nods as he looks at papa 

"Okay we can be up with daddy and i am sure he will love to see you" Logan says as he looks at the little boy 

"Hey buddy" Kendall says when he sees the little boy 

The little boy waves to daddy as papa sits with him 

"Papa has some toys up here so we can play just the two of us" Logan says as they began to play a little bit

The little boy played with papa and he was a happy boy 

"Someone is happy to be with papa" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as he was driving 

"I think so and i think the other liittle boys wanted to play with papa" Logan says as he  was going to get them so they could play as well and have some fun as they were traveling to the theme park and have family time as well cause it was needed   

The little gymnast wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now