Cindy does Gymnastics

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Logan decided it was time to put Cindy in Gymnastics to keep her occupied since he was busy with the babies. Plus she will get to meet new friends, and learn new things as well, and not be overweight when she gets older, but she doesn't eat that much anyways

"Cindy sweetie can you come here please cause daddy wants to talk to you?" Logan asks her since Kendall was busy with the babies at the moment

"Coming daddy" she says to him as she comes towards daddy to see what he wanted to talk to her about cause to her it sounded important, and she didn't want to keep him waiting at all

Once Logan saw her he picked her up and scooped her up and tickled her causing her to giggle

"Okay the reason I want to talk to you princess is I signed you up for gymnastics at the local community center" he says as he sits down with her on his lap

"What's gymnastics daddy?" She asks him

"Gymnastics is where you get to learn how to tumble do flips, handsprings and all sorts of fun stuff" he says to her

Cindy was a bit excited about that

"I got you starting in pajama gym where you won't do much until you are older" he says to her as he hugs her close

"What's pajama gym?" she asks him

"Pajama gym is for kids as young as you if they want to do gymnastics. You are going to play games, and have a bunch of fun" he says to her

"Okay" Cindy says to him as she goes and plays with her baby sisters who were laying on their blanket kicking their feet and being happy that morning for some reason after daddy number two took care of them

"I hope she likes it is all I'm saying" Logan says as he gets up to go make bottle for the girls and see if any of them need a new diaper or something

"Logie she will like it" Kendall says to him cause Kendall was making the bottles for the girls

"I hope so" Logan says as he goes and checks on the girls to see how they were doing playing with their big sister and getting to know her a little bit

"Why don't you and her go tonight and I can stay with the babies and bond with them a little bit" Kendall says to Logan

"Okay you have convinced me to go with her" Logan says to Kendall as they share a kiss

Since the babies have been born Kendall and Logan have become closer then ever

"It sounds like one of the twins ain't happy right now" Logan says to Kendall

"Nope she isn't" Kendall says as they go see which one of the twins were upset, and wanted mommy or daddy to make it all better for her

It was Britton that wasn't happy at all

"Come here baby girl and daddy will make it all better for you" Kendall says as he picks her up to hold her in his arms

Britton was still fussy, so Logan held her and she settled right down for mommy

"I think she wanted mommy to hold her" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah i think so too" Logan says as he looks down at Britton who was quite contented being in mommy's arms at the moment

"Hi baby girl" he says looking at Britton who was all wide eye that morning

Soon it was nap time for all three girls

(That night)

"Cindy come on sweetie we got to get going" Logan calls to her since he was bringing Britton with him to pajama gym that night, and Kendall and Ava were going to be home alone with each other that night which was fine with Kendall

"Coming daddy" Cindy says as she comes down the stairs with her favorite stuffed animal to take with her to pajama gym that night

"That's my girl" Logan says as he kisses her as they head out to the van to go to the community center where pajama gym was going to be

Logan buckles in the girls then sets off to the community center

"Okay let's go to the community center for pajama gym" he says as he gets in the front to head to the community center

"Ya" Cindy says from the backseat in her car seat as papa drives to the community center

"Cindy not so loud Britton is close to you" he says to her as he drives to the community center

"Sorry daddy" Cindy says to him as she looks at Britton who was happily playing with her toys

"That's okay sweetie next time not so loud" he says as he continues to drive to the community center

(Community center)

"Okay Cindy hold my hand" he says after he closes the door on the van

Cindy does what she is told and holds onto daddy's hand as they head into the community center for pajama gym

"Daddy what is that?' Cindy asks him as they approach the entrance to the community center

"I don't know if it is still here I'll see what it is since everyone is ignoring it" he says to her

Soon whatever it was started to wake-up

"Daddy it's a person" Cindy says to him

"Yes sweetie and by the looks of things it's a little girl" he says when the homeless little girl approaches the three

"Please sir spare change?" the little girl asks Logan

"Sure sweetie it looks like you haven't eaten at all today" he says as he digs into his pockets for change

She nods

"How old are you sweetie?" he asks her

The little girl puts up three fingers

"Sweetie come on I'll take care of you are too young to be out on your own" he says to her as he wipes her eyes

The little girl heads into the tent that was there and gets something from inside

"Sweetie do you have a baby sister?" he asks her

She nods

"Come on you and Cindy can do pajama gym to warm you up a little bit since it is cold out here" he says as he takes the girls inside to see who they belonged too

Cindy was very friendly with her new friend as they headed to the multi-purpose room where pajama gym was going to be

'Girls I'll be right there I'm just going to take care of the baby is all" he tells them

"Okay daddy" Cindy says to him as her and her new friend head there to pajama gym to see what they were going to be doing that night in pajama gym

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