Getting Olivia settled

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Now to go home and get her settled in" Kendall says to Logan

"Yes and get her changed as well. We better stop at the store cause i think she still wears diapers" Logan says to him as he felt her bottom to see if she was potty trained or not, and it felt like she wasn't potty trained at all

"Okay we can stop and get her some" Kendall says as they headed out and to the store before going home to get her settled in

Logan was going to change her cause he knew she went in her diaper and didn't want her to get a rash on her little bum when they got home with her

"Be back soon" Kendall says as he heads in to get what he needed for the little girl

"Okay I'll take care of her" Logan says as he laid the little girl down so he could change her when Kendall came back with what they needed

When Kendall returned Logan changed the little girl and cleaned her up as well before they headed home

"There we go all clean sweetie, and I took care of your little rash that you were getting on your little bum" Logan says as Kendall took care of the dirty diaper for Logan while Logan held the little girl in his arms once again

Logan rocked her as Kendall drove home

"We are going to get you settled Olivia" Logan says to her as they were heading home

"Yes, we are sugar, and you will see your sisters, and tonight you will sleep with papa and me until we can get your room set up for you doll" Kendall says as they were heading home

"Then tomorrow we will go shopping for your new bed, and everything for your room" Logan says as he was talking to her as Kendall was driving home so they could get her settled

"You will have your own room if you want baby girl" Kendall says as he was continuing to drive home after they had gotten her released from the hospital

"See all of the pretty lights Olivia?" Logan asks as he was holding her

She nods as she looks at him

"They will be even prettier around the holidays sweetie" he says as he was holding her in his arms

"Yes, they will and maybe you can walk around the holidays too sweetie cause we would love to have you walk as soon as we can, and we can't wait to see you color" Kendall says as they were continuing to drive home


"Here we are Olivia this is where you are going to grow up at" Kendall says as he pulls into the garage with the car

"Yes, you are, and you will have plenty of sisters that will love you and will care about you" Logan says to her as they head into the house to get her settled

As soon as the door opened all the little kids came running to see who was home

"Hi guys say hi to Olivia your little sister" Logan says to them as he entered the house with Olivia in his arms while Kendall had the hospital bag 

"We have to be careful with now she is a little scared, so this is all new to her" Kendall says to the girls who came to meet Olivia and see what she looked like and get to know her a little bit before bed that night if she wanted to

Logan brought her to the couch so her siblings can meet her, and she can get to know them a little bit and get used to them

"I think she only wants papa right now girls so up to bed it's past some of your guy's bedtime" he says when Olivia did not want to be put down at all and she wanted papa to hold her in his arms

The little ones head up to bed that night and daddy was going to tuck them in with their milk that they have, and papa was going to change them if they needed a change

"Olivia i think you need a change too love bug" Logan says as he took her up to be changed so she could go to bed that night cause she had a big day

Logan was quick to change her and get her ready for bed

"There we go already for bed love" he says as he was going to tuck her in one of the cribs for now while he helped Kendall out with the bedtime routine that they had gotten the little ones on when they had come into the picture

Logan and Kendall were quick with getting the little ones to bed that night cause they had worn themselves out playing with one another, so a story and their milk was okay for them and was going to hold them over until the morning

"Okay Olivia I think it is time for you to go to bed little lady" Kendall says as he looks at her as they were going to go to bed that night and get comfortable as they could with her being in bed with them so that might be a problem during the night if she wakes up and she wants her parents to make it all better for her so she can go to sleep on her own that night and it was not going to be easy at all

"Yes, I think so too a certain little girl needs her sleep" Logan says to her as they take her to bed that night to tuck her in

"She does it's going to be a long night with her" Kendall says as he looks at Olivia

"Come on Olivia it's bedtime baby doll" Logan says to her as they go off to bed that night

Logan put her in a cute top and tucked her in for the night

"Papa will be right back sweetie" he says as he tucked her in the bed

Olivia wanted papa there with her she hated being alone

"Oh, Olivia it's okay" Logan says when he heard her cry for him

Kendall was there in a heartbeat as well for that little girl

"Would you like daddy to stay with you while papa gets ready?" Kendall asks her

She nods as she looks at daddy as papa went to get ready for bed cause it was going to be a long night with her

"Okay I'll stay with you sugar bear cause i love you with all my heart" Kendall says as the other one's came into the room too

"Something scare the girls?" Logan asks Kendall

"Yeah, I'm going to see what could be causing this" Kendall says as he got out of bed and grabbed a bat

Kendall found that the house was being broken into, and the burglars were going to take the kids too, so Kendall called the police officers to have the burglars removed from the house and put behind bars, and he saw that there was a storm coming and the girls heard the thunder

V & C

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