It's not possible

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It been a month since the night with the guys, and Logan started to feel completely off

"Ugh" he says as he flushes the toilet after he threw-up for the tenth time that morning on set

"Logan are you feeling okay?" Erin asks him

"Yeah I'm fine it's just the stomach bug is all" he says as he rinses his mouth in the sink for the tenth time that morning

"How long has this been going on?" She asks him

"For a week now, so it should be gone soon I hope" he says as they arrive on set

"If it continues I want you to see a doctor" she says as she takes her position on the set

"I will I promise" he tells her

"You better Logan Henderson" she says as they get ready to start the scene

"Don't worry I will" he says as the scene starts

After Logan and Erin were done with their scenes together he went back to his trailer to lay down for a while cause he felt exhausted and all he wanted to do is sleep right now

"Logan why don't you go home and get some sleep cause we are done for the day" she tells him

"Thanks I will" he says going to his car, so he can go home and get some sleep and something for his stomach

(Logan's place)

Logan puts his keys down grabs some crackers and head to his room to go lay down for a little bit, and probably fall asleep

"Ugh I hope this nausea stops and I can get back to normal" he says as he closes his eyes and goes to sleep

He slept for three hours straight when he woke up he felt better, so he went to the gym to work out, so he sleeps a little bit better that night cause he has been waking up at three in the morning to throw up every day, and he wants to get back to normal. He knew he needed to boost his immune system up, so his body could fight what was causing his body to act like this

"Hey Logan you are looking a little different" James says when he sees his friend at the gym that night

"How James?" Logan asks him

"Ypur stomach looks soft and your upper body looks different as well" James tells him

"What do you expect I haven't felt like working out for a couple of days cause I have been feeling off since i got hit with the stomach bug a few days ago, and i still have it" Logan says as he lifts weights to build his body back up cause he didn't like the soft muscle that was forming on his body at the moment

"Whatever it is you better get checked out before something bad happens to you Loges" James tells him

"Thanks I will right now I want to get back into my routine before i go see what is going on with me" Logan says as he continues to work out and build up his muscles

Logan worked out for an hour an a half before going home for a run, to make sure he does sleep good that night for sure

(Much later)

"All that exercise made me hungry" he says as he goes to the fridge for something to eat to ease his hunger

He ate something light before going to bed that night

(Three a.m)

"Oh no not again" he says as he runs to the bathroom to empty his stomach once again

Once he rinsed out his mouth he went back to bed to get some sleep cause he had to go to work in the morning, and he did not want to go to work a grouch like he has been doing for the past few days

(Couple of days later)

Logan was still emptying his stomach and he was getting tired of not keeping food in his stomach

"Logan did you go to the doctor's yet?" Erin asks him

"No i was hoping this would pass on it's on i am thinking i have something seriously wrong with me" he says as he exits the bathroom after he threw-up again

"It looks like it isn't, so I suggest that you go to the doctor's to get checked out, and to make sure you do I am going with you after we get done with work" she tells him

Logan didn't like that she was coming with him to the doctor's, but he knew he had to get this taken care of one way or the other. After he got done changing his clothes and back into his normal clothes they headed for the nearest minute clinic that was in the local CVS pharmacy

(Minute clinic)

"Erin go sit down i can sign myself in" he says to her

Erin knew to leave Logan alonee cause he has been feeling crabby lately, so she went to go sit down at look at the magazines that were in the waiting room

"I wish i could figure out what is wrong with me, but instead i had to come here to have a doctor come see about it" he says as he looks at the magazines as well

"Maybe it's nothing serious, and you will have to take medicine to get better again" she tells him

"I hope your right" he says as he looks through the parenting magazine that he was interested in all at once

Soon Logan is called back to be examined by a doctor. He tells the doctor what is really wrong with him, and what his symptoms were, so the doctor could pinpoint what was going on with him

"Mr. Henderson I am going to send you to the hospital for some testing to figure this out since I am a doctor I can really see what is going on with you" the doctor tells him

Logan heads towards the hospital to get the testing done

"Erin go home i will let you know what is wrong with me i promise" he tells her

Erin goes home to wait out the results of Logan's testing that he is going have done to hm to see what is causing his symptoms


Logan's get a number and heads to the gift shop that was by patient registration to see what they had. He buys some baby items cause he was driven to them cause they looked so cute


"90" the voice calls on the intercom

"Finally" he says as he goes and admits himself, so he could see what is going on with him

Logan heads down to have his blood drawn, and he doesn't look when the nurse puts the needle in his arm to take out the blood


"Man that hurt" he says as he leaves the hospital to wait out the results of the bloodwork that he had done to see what is going on with him

(Couple of days later)

"Mr. Henderson we have the results of your blood work" the nurse says calling him

"Yes what is wrong with me?" he asks as he sits down just in case there was something seriously wrong with him

"It appears that you are going to be a mommy in eight months" the nurse tells him

"That is not possible" he says to the nurse

"Believe it mr. henderson' the nurse tells him

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