First morning with the new little ones

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Kendall and Logan woke up with two of the new little ones between them that wanted to sleep with daddy and mommy after their siblings kicked them out of bed, and they couldn't get back into bed, so they could get warm, so they went where mommy and daddy was and slept with them. Luckily Kendall and Logan were on the pull-out couch sleeping,  so two of the little ones that were kicked out of bed went to mommy and daddy and slept with them that night cause they wanted to sleep with mommy and daddy and get warm as well again, Plus they were having bad dreams and mommy and daddy needed to make the scariness go away, so they could sleep like little angels that they were, and once they were with mommy and daddy again they slept peacefully and didn't have anymore bad dreams that scared them to pieces when they slept 

"Morning Logie" Kendall says to him in a whisper, so they don't wake the two little ones that were still sleeping with them that morning cause the little ones woke them up when they climbed into bed once they were kicked out, and Kendall and Logan got the little ones to settle down again

"Morning Kenny" Logan says as he looks at him after he looked at the little ones that were still sleeping peacefully that morning cause they had a rough first night getting settled into their new lives with their new mommy and daddy

"How did you sleep?" Kendall asks him still in a whisper

"Okay you?" Logan asks Kendall

"Despite being kicked out of bed with the little ones, and having the two little ones that got kicked out of bed come sleep with us I think we did really good with them their first night being here" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as he looks at the two little ones that slept with them after they got kicked out of bed, and got moved to the couch as well to be with mommy and daddy

"Me too I got kicked out of bed as well, so I decided to find you, so we could sleep together again, and I was shocked when two of the little ones who got kicked out of bed as well came to sleep with us" Logan says as he looks at the sleeping toddlers who were sleeping peacefully still between them

"Yeah i saw one of them was crying cause they fell really hard on the floor, so we went into the nursery and rocked gently back to sleep for a little bit" Kendall says as he looks at the one that was waking up slowly

"Morning sweetie" Logan says as he moves the hair out of her eyes, so she could see where she was and who she was with that morning

She waves as she cuddles with Kendall cause she wanted daddy that morning

"Oh come here cutie pie" Kendall says as he holds her in his arms

"What are we going to call this one?" Logan asks Kendall as he looks at the little girl who was also looking at mommy that morning

"I like the name Celina for this one" Kendall says as he looks at Logan after he had looked at the little girl

"It looks like she loves that name" Logan says as the little girl responded to her name

"Well Celina Henderson-Schmidt welcome to the family little one" Kendall says as he kisses her forehead as he pick her up to take her to the nursery to be changed cause Kendall knew that Celina had a present for him that morning and Kendall needed to take care of her before she got a rash on her little bum

Logan stayed with the other little one that morning cause she was sleeping away still next to mommy

"What are we going to name you huh?" he asks as he looks at the other little one who was cuddling close to him still, but started to whimper a little bit as she slept peacefully still like a little angel that she was

"It's okay sweetie it's just a bad dream it ain't real at all, and you are with mommy" he says as he tries to bring her out of the nightmare and back to reality that morning 

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