Mother's day

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"Hey Raina" Kendall says as he was going to put her name tag on her so the others knew her name

"Hi daddy" Logan says for her as he was going to hold her for the whole party and he was not going to put her down unless he needed too

"You sure are pretty on this Valentine's day" Kendall says as he gave her a kiss on her forehead

Logan helped Kendall with everything and he was able to get the ones that needed their morning nap down for Kendall while he was going to get set up for the Valentine's Day lunch for the kids so they were happy when they woke up and the party can continue as always


"I can't believe she has been asleep this long" Kendall says as he was looking at her as she was sleeping like a little angel in Logan's arms still

"I know she is just too cute i want her to stay this little" Logan says as he was going to set her down so he can eat too since he hasn't been able to eat much lately cause he has been holding her a lot

Kendall took her while Logan was going to eat cause when the kids woke up they will have to help them with their food and getting them fed as well before it continues before the afternoon downtime starts and sometime it is fun getting all of them asleep so they were going to go outside and play after lunch so they could burn off some energy from running around and tagging their siblings and then hopefully they will go down easily for their nap and sleep until the big kids come home from school and then it will be supper time for the kids and Kendall was going to get pizza since it was easy and the kids loved pizza on nights when daddy and papa was going to go out for themselves while James and Carlos was going to watch the kids for Kendall and Logan so they could have a night to themselves a little bit which was much needed and much deserved as well since they didn't have much time for themselves so they were going to spend it in the hotel and have a getaway cause they were going to have a better one with the kids later on in the summer which was going to be fun and exciting 

(Months later)

Raina still didn't grow so they took her to the doctor's to see if she had anything wrong with her and she was going to go for testing as soon as there was an opening right now there were a lot of people that were going for testing right now so they had to wait to hear what was going on with her 

"Raina you want to come with daddy as we go shopping for papa for Mother' day huh baby girl" Kendall asks as he looks at her as he picks her up from her crib since she was three month old and cute as a button 

Raina coos in response since she was a happy girl 

"I say yes come on your siblings are downstairs waiting on you sweet girl" Kendall says as he carried her downstairs to where the others were 

Raina was a happy girl since she was with daddy 

"Papa isn't home right now so he must be at the studio or something, so it is perfect for daddy to take you kids out and he won't expect a thing" Kendall says as he was putting her in her car seat that was in the house since he wanted to put her in the car seat before he left the house with the kids  

Raina started to get fussy since she hated the car seat 

"Oh Raina it's okay" he says as he picks her up and holds her once again to soothe her  cries since she was upset about something

Logan came home a few minutes later

"Raina would you want papa to hold you huh baby girl?" Logan asks as he approaches Kendall since he was having troubles with Raina and getting her to calm down  

"I think she wants papa and she doesn't want to go with daddy" Kendall says as he hands Raina over to Logan for the time being 

"Papa can take her on a walk since it is so nice outside" Logan says as he gets the stroller that they keep in the house 

"A walk sounds perfect" Kendall says as he was going to help Logan with Raina 

Kendall made sure Logan was gone before he left with the kids 

 "Now to go shopping for Mother's day sine papa is with baby sister" Kendall says as he was leaving to go shopping since the kids were excited for Mother's day shopping for papa 


"You liked that walk didn't you Raina?" Logan asks as he brings her in the house after they had their long walk which she loved since she was happy as a clam 

Raina was cooing up a storm as papa was holding her in his arms since she felt loved by papa 

"You hungry huh peaches?" Logan asks as he takes her to the kitchen for a bottle since she was getting hungry by now since it was close to her feeding 

Raina started to root on Logan's shirt since he was holding her as he was going to balance her as he was going to get the bottle from the fridge 

"It's coming sweetie just hold tight" he says as he kisses her on the head as the bottle was warming at the moment in the microwave 

The bottle was warm in no time and Logan started to feed her

 '"Raina i want you to finish the whole bottle this time since you have not been finishing the whole bottle or even eat halfway" he says as he was feeding her as he was walking with her 

Logan was worried something was wrong with Raina and he was hoping that this was going to pass and they will move on with their lives 

(Much later)

Raina was done with the bottle she didn't even finish it at all 

"Okay Raina you might be hungry later" he says as he was taking her to the master for some down time just the two of them since Kendall had the others at the moment 

Logan saw Kendall forgot the twins Ava and Britt and he even forgot the kids too 

V & C    

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