Getting to know Cindy lou

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"Ready to go to your new home Cindy?" Logan asks after Lamaze was over for the night

She nods

"Okay hook onto my pinky and we will go to mommy car, and daddy going to ride with you since we don't have a car seat for ypu" he says as they leave the classroom to go to the elevator

"Tonight Logan we have to go shopping for her furniure, clothes, toy, and everything else that we need" Erin says as she follows behind Logan

"I know that luckily stores are opened later, so we can do that, and i will assmeble her bed and the furniture even though I am pregnant" he says as he hits the down button on the elevator, so they could go back to the parking garage

"Cindy who is your favorite character?" Erin asks the little girl as they board the elevator to go to the parking garage

Cindy had to think at that question

'If you don't you can pick out any bed that you want to sleep in, and daddy can assemble it" he says as he gives her a kiss on her little cheek as they head towards the parking garage

As they were heading for the garage Cindy started to cry for no good reason at all

"Cindy it's okay don't cry" Erin says as they get off the elevator to go to Erin's car

"Come here big girl" Logan says as he picks Cindy up to carry her the rest of the way to Erin car

"I think she is getting tired" Erin says as they approach her car

"I think so too. Tonight she can sleep with me at my house, and tomorrow we can go shopping for furniture, and her toys. Right now i want to get clothes, and little things that she needs right now" he says as he gets in the car with Cindy

"That sounds like a better plan, and we can go shopping for the big stuff tomorrow" Erin says as she puts Logan's bag in the trunk of her car

"Plus we can move you in after we get her settled, so we can start to be a family" he says as he buckles Cindy in

"I can't wait until we are a family" Erin says as she closes the door for Logan since he was busy at the moment with Cindy

"Me either" he says as he hugs Cindy close to him cause she was really scared at the moment

Erin starts the car, so they could go shopping for Cindy

"Do you see the pretty lights Cindy?" he asks as they exit the hospital area

She nods as she snuggles close to Logan

"It's okay sweetie" he says as he he kisses her head and rubs her arm to make her feel comfortable

Erin drives slow,  so Cindy could see all of the Christmas lights that were outside


"In the cart you go sweet girl" he says as he places Cindy in the shopping cart, so they could shop for her

Cindy wanted to lay on Logan the whole time

"She is getting sleepy I think we should go with a charcter and leave" he says as he rubs Cindy's back 

"It has been a long day for her, so all she wants to do is sleep" Erin says as she goes for her size

"Yeah it has" he says as he picks her up , and puts her in the cart

Erin goes with Frozen Disney princess for Cindy, and gets her some fun Christmas outfits to wear, and gets her some slippers before heading to check-out

(Logan's place)

"Here we are Cindy your new home baby doll" he says as he brings her in the house

Logan places her on the couch and goes out to get his hospital bag, and the shopping bags that had Cindy's clothes in, so he could get her eady for bed

"Me hungry" she says as she slowly walks towards him

"Okay sweetie I'll feed you and then I'll give you a bath, and we can go to bed big girl" he says as he takes her to the kitchen to give her a snack or her supper just in case she was really hungry

Logan makes her pb&j with grape jelly, and she starts to eat it

"Here daddy gave you some carrots that he sliced for you" he says as he gives her some carrots slices

Cindy starts to eat the carrot chips as well as well as the applesauce that he had just in case he had a craving for something sweet

"Time for bath, and then it's bedtime" he says as he takes her to the bathroom to gives her a bath

Logan quickly cleans her up, and dries her off

"Daddy is going to put you in a nightgown cause you are sleeping with daddy tonight" he says as he puts her jammies on her

He left her hair the way it was for bedtime

"Up we go big girl" he says as he puts her in his bed while he gets ready for bed

Cindy started to cry out for him, so he comes out in an old shirt and his boxers, so he could lay with her

"Go to sleep sweetie" he says as he looks into her pretty eyes

Cindy was still whimpering, so Logan got up and get a comfort item for her to help her with the transition

"Here will this help?" he asks the little girl as he hands her a blanket, a teddy bear, and a paci

Cindy accepts all three items

"It's alright sweetie I know i's scary being a new place and everything" he says as she climbs into his lap

Cindy got scared when she felt something kick her

"It's okay sweetie it's just Ava your baby sister kicking daddy is all, and Ava is welcoming you into the family" he tells Cindy who was looking up at him

Cindy was still scared

"I wish i knew what was troubling you sweetie" he says as they go back to his room to put her to bed for the night

Logan lifts her back into his bed for the night

"Would you like a bedtime story?" he asks her

She nods with a sniffle

"Okay one bedtime story coming right up" he says as he starts telling her a cute story

By the end of the story Cindy was fast asleep and snoozing softly next to Logan

"Tomorrow will be a better day i promise you" he says as he gives her a kiss and goes to sleep himself

(Next day)

Cindy had a great breakfast that Logan made for her

"Today you get your bed, and some toys to play with" he says as they wait for Erin to come so they could go shopping

"Sorry I'm late I got her a car seat, so she can be safe" Erin tells Logan

"That's fine I understand that" he says as he buckles Cindy in her car seat

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Next week: Ava is going to be born

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