First night part 3, and a surprise

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"Daddy I don't feel good" Cindy says looking at Logan

"Lay still okay, and I'll tell you a story" he says as they cuddle close together

"Okay" she says to him as she lays close to daddy as he tells her the story to help get her mind off her stomach at the moment

"Here I got some ginger ale to help" James says as he hands Logan a small cup of the beverage

"Thanks James" Logan says to him

"I'll check on Ava and then I'll leave" James says to him

"Thanks James" Logan says to him


"Ava is still asleep yet, so you are good to go" James says to Logan

"Bye James" Logan says as James leaves to go back to his house

"See ya Logan" James says as he leaves

"Here princess have some ginger ale it will relieve some gas that is on your belly" Logan says to Cindy as he hands her the small cup of ginger ale

Cindy sips the ginger ale slowly, so she wouldn't bring it back up

"Done daddy" Cindy says to him

"Good girl" he says as he puts it up on the side table that was next to the couch

"Sorry daddy" she says after she burps

"No problem pumpkin" he says to her

"I'm better" she says as she sits up

"That's good you probably had a nasty gas bubble on your belly" he says as he gets up cause he hears Ava crying from the swing

Cindy goes and plays with her toys while daddy tended to Ava and her needs that she had

"Coming Ava" he says as he goes to her cause he could hear her

Logan stops the swing and gets Ava out

"It's okay baby girl" he says as he gets her out to hold her in his arms again

He takes her to the nursery for a newdiaper before he nurses her

"There you go all better love, and now mommy is going to feed you. Hopefully by then daddy will be here to help out with your fisrt night home" Logan says as he sits in the rocking chair with her, so he could feed her

Logan watches Ava with such precision as she ate

"You must be really hungry" he says when he sees her suckle down the formula

While she was suckling he felt a sharp pain in his mid section once again

"No I only have one baby not two" he says as Ava continued to suckle the milk that she was getting from mommy that night for that feeding

"Logie I'm back" Kendall says as he comes into the house

"Kenny you need to take me to the hospital cause something doesn't feel right" Logan says to him

"Okay come on I'll grab Ava and Cindy and we will head back to the hospital" Kendall says as he goes and gets Cindy, so they could head for the hospital

Kendall gets the girls buckled in the car seats, and comes in and gets Logan from the house cause Logan was in a lot of pain now

"Logan come on we got to go to the hospital, so you can get taken care of" Kendall says to him

"I don't think i will make it to the hospital" Logan says to Kendall

"Why?" Kendall asks him

"Cause I think the second baby is coming now" Logan says when he has a strong urge to bear down once more

Kendall goes out and gets the girls

"Cindy go play in the playroom" Kendall says to her

"Okay" she says as she runs to the playroom to go play woth her toys

"Ava I'm going to put you in the swing cause I need to help mommy" Kendall says to her as he puts her in the swing

"Kenny" Logan says as he calls from the bathroom

"I'm coming Logan just hang on I'm going to be right there" Kendall says to him

Kendall comes to Logan's side a few minutes later to help him through the pain of giving birth again

"You ain't kidding Logan the head is right there" Kendall says to him

"Kendall I need to push" Logan says to him

"Okay Logan you can go ahead and push I'm right here" Kendall says to him

Logan started to bear down with all his might cause he wanted this to end here and right now

"Okay Logie the head is out a few more strong pushes and the second baby will be right here" Kendall says to him

Logan kept going until the baby was out

"Here she is" Kendall says as he picks up the second baby

"Hi sweetie" Logan says as he comforts the little girl that Kendall placed on his chest

Soon the little girl let out a cry to announced that she had arrived

"She is so tiny" Logan says while he dries her off

'She looks a little small, but I don't think it is a problem" Kendall says as he helps Logan out of the tub

Logan changes into something comfortable and gets into his bed cause he started to feel sleepy from the second birth

"I'm going to go and get you checked out to make sure you are okay" Kendall says as he leaves with the baby that he had in his arms


Logan woke from his slumber cause he heard Ava crying from her swing

"I'm coming" he says as he goes back to her

"Cindy it's past your bedtime I'll be in soon to tuck you in" Logan says as he pops his head into the playroom where she was playing at

Cindy goes to her room and gets in her bed, so she could be tucked in by daddy

"Ava mommy is going to multi-task tonight" he says as he puts the one pillow on him, so Ava could nurse under the blanket while he tucks in Cindy for the night

Logan read Cindy a bedtime story and tucked her in for the night

"Night Cindy I love you" he says as he tucks her in for the night

"Night daddy I love you too" Cindy says as she goes to sleep 

"Logan I'm back" Kendall says as he comes in with the littlest baby

"How is she?" Logan asks him

"She is just fine her lungs and heart is matured" Kendall says to him as he brings in the baby that was sound asleep

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