Taking the little ones shopping the final part

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After all of the little ones were fed and some were changed and had new diapers on Logan set off to the sporting goods store to get the sleeping bags for the little ones, so they could sleep that night with Cindy in her room or in one of the other rooms that him and Kendall had that were empty and not being used right now for anything important other then storage, so the rooms could be turned into bedrooms for the little kids and the baby, so she has her own room cause she isn't that old at all

"Can they have a tent papa to sleep in tonight please pretty please with a cherry on top?" Cindy asks Logan as they headed for the sporting goods store to get sleeping bags for the little ones to sleep in that night as well as Cindy and Logan just in case they were too scared to sleep alone that night in the big room 

"Sure princess, and maybe that way me and daddy know where they are at, and they can sleep together in the same place and it feels like their old home" Logan says as the group heads into the store to do the shopping that was needed that night for them

The little ones were really scared at picking out their sleeping bag, so Logan asked each of them personally to see what sleeping bag each of the little girls wanted to sleep in and they were going to get the pillows later at the department store.

They felt better about picking it out individually with Logan and they started to w  arm up to his hugs as he held each of them in his arms

"Is everyone happy with their sleeping bags?" he asks them after the last one got their sleeping bag that they wanted to sleep in that night

All of the little ones nod as they head for the register. On the way out Logan got each of them a little chair to sit in for now, so they could have breakfast the next morning while watching cartoons cause he will be talking to Kendall and explaining everything to him for that long period of time and they could talk to each other too

"Okay now to get sippy cups, jammies, stuffed animals, and anything else that we need for tonight" he says as he heads for the department store that was where they parked the van at, so after Logan could head home with everything and everyone 

The little ones hanged onto the stroller as they headed for the department store and many of them were really scared of going to a different place where they were going to sleep at for the night since their home was going to be destroyed that night cause they weren't there to occupy it

"Hang on guys I am going to go back and get a few tents for you guys to sleep in if you want, and I am going to get a sleeping bag so we can camp out in the backyard if you want tonight" he says as he turns around and heads back to the sporting goods store to get the tents and his sleeping bag for the night cause he forgot to get them the first time

Once Logan had the tents and everything else the group head for the department store where Cindy and her friend volunteered to push the carts with everything that was needed for the night which Logan was grateful for to have Cindy and her best friend to help with the shopping trip

"Okay let's get clothes first enough to last for a few days or more" he says as he heads for the toddler and baby section of the store cause he needed to get a lot of clothes for the little ones to wear cause if they were going to be staying with him and Kendall for a while and if Kendall approves of the little ones they will get their rooms plus some furniture to have as well as more toys to play with cause they are going to be so bored without having anything to play with at all

Logan measured each of the girls so he could get the right sizes to last them a while then he got them slippers to wear out of the store that night since they only had socks on their feet that were keeping their feet warm that night

"Okay onto sippy cups, pillows and stuffed animals for you guys and then we can head on out of here and head home, but I think I might have to stop at the store for a few supplies for the younger ones which I don't mind cause you girls need a home too" Logan says to them as he heads for the toddler aisle that was in the store to get sippy cups and stuffed animals

The little ones got different character sippy cups and some had the same character which Logan was going to mark with the names, so the cups don't get mixed up at all. Stuffed animals some of the little ones got big ones cause they were comfy and soft which they liked and Logan was going to get it for them, so they were comfortable in their new home that night since it is going to be a big adjustment for them sleeping in a house and not in a tent

"Now onto pillows for you guys and then we are out of here and over to the store to get necessities for you guys" he says as the little ones pick out their pillows that they wanted to sleep on that night as their first night in a new place

There were all sorts of pillows in the carts and Logan was fine with that completely. The price didn't matter cause these kids need a home for the night, for a few days and maybe for the rest of their lives cause some of these guys were orphans or kids that were abused by their parents and the parents didn't care where they ended up at

"Okay time to head home guys cause I got to get all of you guys bathe and clean and if you guys have boo boo's I need to take care of them too" he says as he leaves with all of the little ones that were happy and in a bit of a better mood as they left the mall to go to the store

Logan went to the nearest super center for everything that was needed for the girls and since some of them were asleep on the floor of the van with their stuffed animals. He parked it at the side and went in fast and got everything that he needed for the night and for a few days if Kendall allows them to stay with them. Logan was hoping that Kendall accepts these kids as his own cause they don't have anywhere else to go or anybody to love them and care for them

"Okay that is enough for now, so time to go home and get all of you to bed, and hopefully some of you can get cleaned up a little bit too" he says as he gets back in to head home with all of the little ones fast asleep still as well as Cindy who was asleep in her car seat as well 

Before Logan left he could not believe how cute each of them looked when they slept

"Time to go home and hopefully Kendall will accept these new little ones" Logan says as he starts to head home with everything that he needs


"Time to face the music" Logan says 

V & C

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