Part 2

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Logan gave each of the kids their ticket so they could head in. Once everyone was in they had a photo op, and they had a map so they could pick out the rides they wanted to go on and Barb and Nancy wanted to bigger rides if they were allowed

"I will go on with them" Kendall says as they headed for the roller coaster they wanted to ride

The girls gave Logan their hat and their shades and their little purses before they went on the roller coaster

"I will be looking for you" Logan tells Kendall

"Okay I will look for you and the others" Kendall says as he was heading on with the girls

The one's who could not go on the coaster had to help wit the other little one's

"We are going to see daddy and sissies go on this roller coaster" Logan says as he was going to record them

Logan was able to spot them cause they were on the fourth coaster, and they waved at him and said hi to him as they were going up the hill

"Looking good guys" Logan says as he was seeing them on the coaster

The girls were having the time of their lives as they were on the coaster

"Did you see us papa?" Nancy asks him

"Yes i got it all on film" Logan says as they were going to the carousel so the little kids can ride some rides as well

The girls were okay cause their legs needed to recover from that ride so some smooth rides will help before they go on another big ride as well cause Kendall was going to go on with them cause they needed an adult to ride wit them for the time being until they can ride on their own

"Okay everyone pick a animal" Logan says as he was going to ride on the seats for the time being

All of the kids picked their animals and the bigger kids were going to ride with them or next to them and Kendall were going to be wit the one's that wanted daddy and the majority of the kids went to the second floor of the carousel away from their parents and Kendall and Logan were okay with that

"I got the babies and the wee little one's Logan says as he was going to sit wit the babies and the ones that can't ride yet

Everyone loved the carousel, and they were going to go to kiddie park for a little bit and Nancy and Barb was okay with that cause they were going to plan their next ride while their siblings got to have their fun and maybe they were going to go shopping

"Who needs a potty break?" Kendall asks cause they were going to take many potty breaks while they were at the park since many were potty training right now

Everyone raised their hand

"Nancy, Barb wanna take the girls while i take the boys?" Kendall asks them

"Sure dad" Nancy says as the girls started to go with her

Barb was going to help with washing hands after she went of course cause she had to go to the bathroom 

(Much later)

"Okay i think Kiddie land is in the cards while the two older girls look at the next ride" Logan says to them 

"That sounds like a plan and we can check height requirements as well" Nancy says to him as she was looking at more rides they wanted to go on and they were going to check the water park aspect too cause the day after was water park day for the family and everyone was excited except for Logan cause he didn't want his belly to show just yet 

The group headed to Kiddie land as Barb and Nancy were looking at different rides cause Nancy wanted to do a family ride after kiddie land while Barb wanted to go on coasters for the better part of the day and do the family stuff later on 

"There is turnpike cars so the older ones can be paired with a younger one while daddy and papa look on" Nancy says as she looks at the ride cause it was nice and big and was kind of close to kiddie kingdom 

"I'll go on the coaster that is close i am not going on that ride" Barb says as she looks at the ride 

"I'll go on with you we best get in line now instead of later" Kendall says as they head there 

Nancy was staying with papa as her sister went on with daddy 

"You going to stay with me big girl?" Logan asks her 

Nancy nods as she looks at him      

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