Part 2

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"I can't wait to meet these angels" Logan says as he was looking at his bump right now cause it was almost tine to go into the operating room to have the babies and they were going to see them in person as well cause he could not wait to do skin to skin with them once they were born as well

'Me either and you are going to do amazing Logie I just know it" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause they had to get the operating room ready cause Logan had come in earlier and they were not expecting him to much later in the night, but the babies were ready to be born now and they were not going to wait another minute to come into this big world and Logan understood that

The nurse came to get Logan and take him to the operating room so he could have the babies cause they had to get the babies out cause they could not come out the other way either and it was safer for them and for Logan as well

"I will be there Logie as soon as they have everything ready" Kendall says as he waves bye to Logan cause Logan was taken to the operating room

Logan nodded as he waddled to the operating room cause they had to give him the epidural and clean his stomach off as well

"I hope he is okay" Kendall says as he saw Logan go through the double door to the operating rooms


The nurse comes back and gets Kendall and takes him to the operating room where Logan was and was going to have him take a seat next to Logan cause they were going to see their girls be born

"Well Logie after tonight you won't be pregnant anymore" Kendall says as he looks at him

"Yup, and we will have our beautiful girls in this world" Logan says as the c-section got underway as well cause he was ready to see them and hold them as well cause he wanted that feeling of doing skin to skin right after birth

Kendall kept Logan calm as the doctors got the twins out cause the suspense was killing Logan and he couldn't wait a minute longer to see them cause he wanted to see what they look like as well and see if they were still healthy even though they were conjoined at some part of their body

"Soon they will be here" Kendall says to Logan cause Logan was getting antsy right now waiting for the babies to be born

"Yeah I will finally see them" Logan says as he was still waiting cause he was feeling the doctor go into him

"You okay Logie?" Kendall asks him

"I don't think they gave me enough pain medicine" Logan says and that is when the doctor stops cause they had to bump it up so he didn't feel anything at all

(10 minutes later)

"Hopefully you don't feel anything now" the doctor says as the c-section continued

"Yeah hopefully try again" Logan tells the doctor

The c-section continued and Logan did not feel anything until the girls were pulled from his stomach and were brought into the world

"Here we are time of birth 11:11pm" the doctor tells the nurse for the birth certificate

"Our girls are here Logie look at them" Kendall says as he was looking at the twins as well cause they looked beautiful as well as perfect even though they were conjoined and they were only whimpering once they were born and that was okay with Kendall and Logan for now cause they will hear them cry soon enough cause they were not happy that they were taken from their warm home right now and they wanted to be warm and not cold cause they were cold right now 

Logan was able to get a glimpse of them and he cried cause they were so beautiful and he could not wait to hold them as well once he was in recovery and really name them cause he wanted to hold them right away 

"I am going to go over to them and get some pictures cause I know you are dying for pictures Logie" Kendall says as he was going to go where the girls were and he was going to see what they looked like since they were in this world right now 

Kendall fell in love with the girls and he saw the girls each had a leg that was like limp and that worried him as well cause he knew that the girls was going to face separation and now they were going to face losing a limb as well too and that was not good either especially right now and he was hoping that it was lose of blood circulation in their leg     

more will come I hope 

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