Kendall pranks Logan

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Since it is April fools day I figure I write a April fools da chapter of one of my stries that I have in my works

Kendall decided to take a pregnancy test, and he was going to tell Logan that he was going to be a daddy in a couple of months. He was going to use it as a April fools joke against Logan

"Kenny are you feeling okay you have been in bed all day?" Logan asks as he comes to check on him since Erin went out of town on business, and Cindy was at a friends house for a playdate

"Yeah it's probably just what is going around at the moment" kendall says as he looks at Ava who was looking up at her daddy who was holding her in his arms at the moment

"I do not want the babies to get it Kenny, so we are going to go back home, and I will be back to check on you later" Logan says as he leaves to go get Cindy from her friend house where she was playing at the moment

"Okay Logie I will see you later" Kendall says as he leaves to go home and gets Cindy and put the babies to bed

Once Logan was gone Kendall gets up and gets dressed, and heads out to get a something cause he was going to pull a prank on Logan. He hopes it goes off without a hitch, and doesn't backfire on him

"I hope this goes according to plan cause I will not fail at this" Kendall says as he gets dressed to head to the local drug store to get what he needed to get for the prank


"Okay time to give Logan one devil of a heart attack, and make him think that I am pregnant and the baby is his baby and that I am expecting" Kendall says as he takes the pregnancy tests into the bathroom to take them to see if he was really pregnant and is with child

Kendall takes all of the tests and lays them on the counter and sets the timer. To wait to see if he was really pregnant

"This ought to be good" Kendall says as he leaves the bathroom to go do something and wait on the test to come back positive to see if he was really pregnant

(Much later)

"Okay time to check the test to see if I am really pregnant" Kendall says when the timer goes off

Kendall flips all of them over and is really happy when he sees all of them positive, so he grabs his keys and heads over to Logan's house to tell him the news, and he hopes he is happy and stays by him if he really is pregnant

(Logan's house)

"Logie are you home?" Kendall asks as he comes into Logan's house

"Yeah I'm home" Logan says as he comes from the twins nursery cause they just went down for their nap

"I have something that I need to tell you, so can you come here please?" Kendall asks him

"Sure I'll be right there I just need to tuck Cindy in cause she wore herself out over at her friend house for their play date that they had this afternoon" Logan says as he heads to Cindy's room and tucks her in her big girl bed that she loved

"Okay take your time Logie" Kendall says to him

Logan tucks Cindy in and kisses her good night and he leaves the room to see what could cause Kendall to come over unannounced.

"Logan it is best that you sit down cause I have some news that is sure to shock you to the core" Kendall says to Logan

Logan takes a seat in the kitchen and waits for Kendall to tell him the news that Kendall was immediately happy for

"Okay Kenny what do you need to tell me?" Logan asks him as he sits at the table that afternoon after tucking in the girls for their nap

"Well Logie I hate to say it, but I'm pregnant and the baby is yours" Kendall says happily to Logan cause he was extremely happy about this point in his life. That him and Logan were going to be a family and Kendall was going to get Erin out of the picture for good

Logan was shocked by the news that Kendall had told him, and it took him awhile to recover from the shock of having another baby in the house

"Kendall have you gone to the doctors to be sure that you are pregnant?" Logan asks Kendall

"No not yet I decided to wait a bit before going to the doctor to see if I am pregnant" Kendall tells Logan

"You are going to the hospital now to get check out to see if you are really pregnant. I am going to have James come over and watch the girls while we are at the hospital cause I have a feeling we are going to be there a long while" Logan says as he calls James to see if he can come over and stay with the girls

James comes over and Logan and Kendall head for the hospital to see if Kendall was really pregnant or was he pulling Logan's leg


"Yes my boyfriend is pregnant, so can we have s doctor to check on him?" Logan asks the nurse as they enter the main lobby of the hospital

"Sure just fill out these forms and we will be able to see him and to see if he really is pregnant" the nurse tells Logan

"Thank you" Logan says as he sits down to fill out the paperwork so Kendall could be seen at the moment

After a while Kendall was called was called back to see if he was really pregnant or not


"Well are you pregnant?" Logan asks him

"Nope I am not pregnant" Kendall says to Logan as they leave to go home

"Never do that to me ever again you had me worried sick" Logan tells Kendall

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