We see about Logan and Barb

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"Hey sweetie," he says as she was brought back in the room

"Hi papa," she says as she was nice and comfy right now

"Now we wait to see what is going on with you," he says as he was hoping it was sprained and not broken

"Yup," she says as she was going to see what was on Tv to watch cause Logan was going to get checked out next

Logan was going to have testing done to see what was going on with him as well he was hoping the baby was okay as well he as the most worried for Barb

"Bye sweetie papa has to go to ultrasound," he says as he kisses her as he was leaving the room to go to the ultrasound and he was going to call Kendall

"Bye papa," she says as she was relaxed right now and the hospital propped her foot up to help with the swelling

Logan was trying to keep positive for him and the baby as well he was worried about the baby the most right now cause he didn't want to lose it at all or have it born really early  

(Much later)

Logan was with Barb in her room cause they were going to cast her cause she did break her ankle and she was going to be in a wheelchair while her ankle heals as well and she was going to love it cause she was going to be going really fast in the chair, but Kendall and Logan was going to have rules for her to follow as well  

"Baby I need you to call daddy and have him bring the others to the hospital cause I need him," Logan says cause they were going to be taking him up to labor and delivery right now cause the baby was in a bit of danger right now and they wanted to monitor him as well cause the baby might be born 

Barb called Kendall and he was going to be on his way to the hospital to be with Logan cause Logan is really scared right now cause he might have the baby or he will lose the baby 

"Daddy is on his way papa," she tells Logan cause she was going to go up with papa cause she was underage

"Thank you Barb I want you to still help around the house and with the little kids as well and I don't want you to act like a brat cause you are in a cast, and using the wheelchair, and if daddy or me see you acting like a brat or going to fast you will lose the chair" Logan tells her cause when the kids are really hurt he wants them to still help and not lay around all day the only time that he allows it is when they have surgery or when they are really sick and they can't move very much  

"Yes papa," she says as she was going to go up with him after she picks out her wheelchair she will be using 

"Daddy and me will get you a shower seat for the shower at home and if you need help with dressing daddy and me will help you with your bottoms as well as your socks" he tells her cause she wanted to get her wheelchair and get out of the hospital chair that she was in right now cause she wanted to try it out and get used to it as well   

"Papa I know I will need help putting my bottoms on my one-foot cause of this cast," she says as she was looking at the colors that they had for her to pick from cause they had the wheelchairs in the house for her to have as soon as she made her selection on the chair that she wanted 

"We can help you there no problems," he says cause he was counting down until Kendall could get there cause he was probably getting the sitters in line for the long haul if Logan had to have the baby

Barb picked out a dark pink wheelchair, and she could not wait to test it out cause she was going to give her siblings rides around the house when she had them on her team for the chores 

"That looks good on you baby," he says as he was still looking at his stomach where the baby was right now     

"Thanks, papa wanna ride?" she asks him cause she was going to give him a ride up to his room  

"No thanks baby," he tells her as they waited for Kendall 

Soon Logan was taken up to labor and delivery and Barb was right behind him cause she was going to take daddy to see papa right away  

"Is the baby okay papa?" she asks him as they were heading to labor and delivery  

"Right now the baby is not doing too good they want to monitor me," Logan says to her as they were heading there right now 

Barb was okay with that right now   

"There might be a chance I have to be on bed rest for the rest of the time until I actually have the baby" he tells her 

Barb wanted the bed rest cause she wanted to show daddy and papa she could cook 

Seeing the baby is next & that chapter is up 

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