Planning the vacation

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I am going to break this up into parts like planning, traveling and the trip itself here we go

Kendall and Logan started to think of a family vacation they can take with the kids since it was summer and the kids were going to be back in school too as well cause it will be back to the books, lunches, bedtimes and everything else that the kids were in as well

"Logan i think i have found the perfect place for us to go this summer with the kids" Kendall says as he called Logan in the room

"Where is it Kenny?" Logan asks him

"It's a place called Mahogany zenith and it looks like a fun park Logie" Kendall says as they were going to explore the park together

Logan and Kendall looked at lodging cause they were going to stay a few days since the park was so big and it had a huge water park for the kids as well as the kiddie kingdom was huge in itself

"Kenny i say book it and we will plan the rest of it later" Logan says as he was looking at the dates they could go at the moment some of the kids were at camp and they hated to leave without them

"Next week we can stay at the hotel for sure cause they have a lot of rooms opened and we can have the babies in the room next to ours and the older one's can have a room of their own Logan" Kendall says as he looked at the rooms that were open that weekend

"Go ahead and book it that way we can keep the kids together as well as everything else" Logan says as he was going to see what all they were going to need for the trip cause they were going to need a lot for the kids

Kendall got it booked and saw what rooms they were going to be in for the trip so they could see if the rooms were close together or far away from each other and Kendall and Logan hoped that the rooms were a little far away so the older one's didn't have to be close to their siblings

"We have to go shopping and get everything we need like diapers, wipes, suits and everything" Logan says as he was making his list for the trip cause he wanted to start packing as soon as he could and see what each of the kids needed cause they were going to have their little suitcase which was going to be cute and they were

"Logie we will have time to do all of that later on babe before we go and everything" Kendall says as he was going to help Logan with the shopping cause Logan wanted to get the clothes first cause they will be needing a lot for the trip which was going ot be fun in itself as well cause if the park had water spots the kids might want to cool off so Logan was going to get two suits just in case so if they wanted to go through they could without ruining their clothes and if it is hot they need to be ready for that weather as well and Logan wanted to get water for the trip so the kids were cool as well if it was hot and they were going to buy food there for the kids cause all those coolers was going to be too much for them

(Much later)

Logan was going to wash the suits and get them all to the kids so they could start to pack for the trip and when the one's came back from camp they were going to get their suits as well and their clothes

"Kenny should they get new shoes?" Logan asks as he was going over the list he made earlier for himself so he knew what he needed to get still and what they didn't need for the park

"Yes Logie and they will break them in before we go cause i am going to get a ring rope or something for the little one's so they stayed close to us as we head through the park and the wagon can be for the one's who are tired and don't want to walk no more and the stroller is going to be for the babies that way they can be safe and secured and if they want to be carried Kendall and Logan were going to have carriers for the babies so they can take everything in and if the park had rest areas cause they were sure they were going to need it for the little one's they will only tolerate so much before they have a meltdown

"Sounds like a plan to me that way we can keep them together as we travel and we can take head count every time we travel to make sure we still have the kids" Logan says to him as they planned the trip and what they were packing and how they were all going to carry everything or transport everything

"I can behind once in a while as we walk and i can do potty breaks with the kids" Kendall says

"Perfect and if you want to lead i can be behind and do the potty breaks as well cause i am okay with that completely" Logan says to Kendall cause he was going to have the long wagon and that was going to stay in the trailer until they headed for the park and Kendall or him could pull it for the little kids if they didn't want the rope

"Logan it makes sense to bring the wagon cause it has all of the colors and more for the kids" Kendall says to him cause they could put the extra stuff in the back or have one of the older ones pull a wagon with the extra stuff in it

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