Erin comes back home

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Logan was excited when Erin was coming home cause he missed her an awful lot. Plus, he would need the help taking care of two babies and a little girl cause he couldn't handle it

"Okay Kendall I am going to need you to leave cause Erin is on her way home right now and I do not want to have you here" Logan says as he comes from the nursery where the babies were sleeping in the crib

"Logie come on I want to be here cause they are my kids too" Kendall says as he pulls Logan in close to him cause he wanted to feel Logan's warmth on him

"No, you want to knock me up until you have your son, but I'm not going to budge like that at all. I am happy with Cindy, Ava and Britton who are my world. Besides, I love Erin not you at all" Logan says as he gets free from Kendall's arms to take out the trash and get the laundry started cause it was piling up with two newborns and a three-year-old who loves to get messy there is bound to be laundry to do

Logan checks to see if Cindy was still asleep, and she was which Logan was thankful for, and then he sees about the twins

"Britton it's okay mommy is right here" Logan says as he picks her up and holds her in arms to comfort her

Logan takes her to the rocking chair to rocks her

"Did you have a bad dream?" he asks when her bottom lip started to quiver

Logan rocked her until she fell back to sleep

"Night love" he says as he puts her back in the crib next to her sister while he sees if Kendall left the house to go back to his house, so Logan can get the house straighten up before Erin comes home from her trip

Logan turns on the monitor just in case one of the twins wake up while he is cleaning the house, and getting everything ready cause Erin is going to be exhausted when she comes home from her trip That she went on for work

"Kendall I told you to leave cause Erin is on her way home as we speak and she will murder me if she sees that you stayed with me and not James or Carlos to help me out with Ava" Logan says as he gets the breast pump, so he could pump some milk for the babies cause he isn't in the moos to feed them at night when he is half awake and half asleep still cause that is a bad combination for new parents who had twins and a toddler

Kendall ends up leaving the house, but he is going to return to try to get Logan pregnant

"Hey princess did you have a nice nap?" Logan asks Cindy after she woke up from her afternoon nap that she took

"Yes, daddy I did" Cindy says to him

"Come on I'll give you a snack" he says as he takes her to the kitchen for her snack

"Okay daddy" she says as she follows him to the kitchen for her snack cause she was hungry after her nap

Logan gave her a nice snack to munch on while he continues to get the laundry caught up

"Maybe after your snack we can go on a walk around the neighborhood, and we can go to the park for a little bit to play until supper time and after supper we can go for ice cream at the local ice cream parlor" he says as he sets up her bounce house that he got for Cindy, so she could bounce while him and Erin could tend to the babies and everything else that involved in raising multiples

"Can we wait for mommy cause I don't want to go without her" Cindy asks him

"Sure, we can after we get mommy, we can go for ice cream and have some family time. Besides i got to get Britton a car seat anyway" he says as he puts another load in the washer and the load that was done in the dryer to dry while he started to pump some breast milk for the twins since they were going out that night and if the girls were hungry, he did not want to nurse in a public setting unless it was necessary for the twins

"What's for supper tonight daddy?" Cindy asks him

"I don't know baby girl as soon as i figure out what we are having I will get it in the oven" he says as he puts her dish into the dishwasher, so it could get cleaned while Cindy bounced, and the babies slept like little angels in the crib right now

(Later that night)

"Cindy i am very proud of you behaved like a perfect little girl in the restaurant since daddy forgot about dinner tonight" he says as he leaves the restaurant with her and the babies 

"Thank you, daddy," Cindy says as she gets in her car seat to wait for him to buckle her in since he had to take care of the babies right now

"Now after i get the babies and you buckled in we are going to get mommy from the airport and take her home, so she can help daddy with the babies tonight cause daddy needs a lot of help with the babies" he says as he buckles Ava in her car seat

"Where will Britton go?" Cindy asks him

"She will go right in her car seat that I picked up from the baby store before we came over here" he says as he secures Ava in her car seat now

Britton got buckled in, and she was not too happy about being in her car seat 

"Britton it's okay sweetie it's to keep you safe I promise" he says as he tries to calm her back down, so he could head to the airport cause Erin's flight was coming in at any moment and he did not want to miss her at all

Soon his phone vibrates, and he sees that it is Erin that is calling him

"I am on my way babe I promise you" he says to her

"Okay I'll be waiting outside of the airport, so we could head home, so I can help you with the twins and you can explain how you didn't know that you were pregnant with Britton

"Sounds like a plan" he says as he continues to drive

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