Part 4

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"Okay I think Kiddie land is in the cards while the two older girls look at the next ride," Logan says to them

"That sounds like a plan and we can check height requirements as well" Nancy says to him as she was looking at more rides they wanted to go on and they were going to check the water park aspect too cause the day after was water park day for the family and everyone was excited except for Logan cause he didn't want his belly to show just yet

The group headed to Kiddie land as Barb and Nancy were looking at different rides cause Nancy wanted to do a family ride after kiddie land while Barb wanted to go on coasters for the better part of the day and do the family stuff later on

"There are turnpike cars so the older ones can be paired with a younger one while daddy and papa look on," Nancy says as she looks at the ride cause it was nice and big and was kind of close to kiddie kingdom

"I'll go on the coaster that is close I am not going on that ride," Barb says as she looks at the ride

"I'll go on with you we best get in line now instead of later," Kendall says as they head there

Nancy was staying with Papa as her sister went on with daddy

"You going to stay with me huh big girl?" Logan asks her

Nancy nods as she looks at him

"That's okay if you wanna be with me," he says as he was hugging her close cause he loved her so much

Logan and the others watched as Kendall and Barb was on the roller coaster as Logan took the kids to turnpike cars for a bit so they could enjoy the day a bit more before they broke for lunch


The others had a fun time riding some gentle rides with the little kids, and Barb got hurt when she was getting off the one roller coaster, so she had to go to the first-aid station

"Hey Barb sweetie," Logan says to her when Kendall came out with her

"She sprained her ankle Logan she is fine, so we have to get her checked out after the park cause I hate to ruin the kids day here cause of one accident

"That's fine I want her to enjoy the day too," Logan says as he was going to push Barb in the wheelchair as they were heading to one everyone agreed one even Barb was going to be on it with her siblings


Kendall and Logan took their group to the pavilion they had rented for the days they were going to be there cause they were going to take the kids in groups to get lunch, and one was going to stay back to help the kids with their lunch

"Okay everyone goes and sees papa for sanitizer for your hands," Kendall says cause Logan was going to hang back and feed the babies their lunch as Kendall was with the older kids

Logan was quick to get the sanitizer on the kid's hands so Kendall can take them to get something to eat. Once the kids had their food they went to eat their lunch and enjoy the family time they had together

"I think it has been good" Kendall says as he eats

"Yeah it has I think some games will work before n a p for the little ones," Logan says cause the little ones brought their money jars with them and the really little ones were going to watch the older ones play games

"Yeah then we can head back for a bit recharge and everything before coming back cause I have to get more diapers cause we are getting low" Kendall says to Logan

"Go I got the kids," Logan tells Kendall

Kendall left to go back to the hotel for a quick minute


"Okay, kids, who is ready to play some games?" Logan asks them

All of them were ready to play games and win some prizes. Logan took them to the game area of the park and he was going to sit with the babies as the kids played games

"Okay my little ones let's watch you, siblings," Logan says as he was going to sit with the babies while the kids played games

Logan loved watching the others play games and the majority of them were doing good and helping the younger ones play their game they wanted to play, and they were going for the big prizes cause they were going to carry them home

"I see some are playing basketball," he says as he was seeing the others move on

Kendall came back a little later with some more supplies for the day

"Daddy, can I play a game please?" Barb asks cause she had to be with papa and the babies for the time being

"Sure baby," Kendall says as he was going to take her to the games so she could play and have fun as well

"It looks like two of the little ones wanna race each other on the ladder game," Logan says as he sees his group over there by the ladder game

Logan watched as the kids went up the ladder and they had a tie and they got a big prize which they liked and the little ones that were happy with their prize they went over to see papa and be with him

"Once everyone is done we will head for one of the buildings for a little downtime and daddy can take the others shopping or I could," Logan says as some of the big kids brought prizes over they got for the babies so they could feel included as well

The babies loved their small prizes that their siblings got for them and they were happy campers the rest of the day

"Now what?" Kendall asks Logan

"I think we should walk a bit and maybe ride some more rides I don't think the little ones are tired just yet," Kendall says to Logan 

"Maybe take them to the waterpark," Logan says

"I didn't bring the suites, Logie," Kendall says 

"Good point," Logan says 

The little kids started to get cranky halfway through the rides, so Kendall and Logan went back to the hotel, but they were going to come back later 

Getting Barb checked out is next and seeing if it is sprained or broken, so comment your guesses and we will see if you are correct  

The little gymnast wattys 2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora