A Christmas proposal

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Logan was at a point in his pregnancy where he was starting to get very umcomfortable, and he wanted Ava out of him. He was grining and bearing it until Ava decided she was going to make her appearance known. He was going to celebarate Christmas with Cindy Lou, and make it special for her no matter what

"Daddy when is Santa coming?" Cindy asks Logan

"Not until you are asleep sweetie. Then he will come to give you presents cause you have been a good girl this year" he says as he carries her upstairs to her room cause she was sleepy and she wanted daddy to carry her up

"Princess do you need to go potty before bed?" he asks her

Cindy nods

"Go and be quick princess" he tells her as he puts her down, so she could go to the bathroom

While Cindy was in the bathroom Logan pulled down her bed, and grabbed a story from her bookshelf

"Done daddy" she says as she comes from the bathroom

"Okay princess I'm going to read you the night before Christmas, and tuck you in, so Santa can come" he says as he covers her up

"Will Santa bring anything for baby sister?" she asks him

"He probably does have something in his sack for Ava" Erin says as she comes into the room to help Logan with Cindy's bedtime routine a little bit

"Is baby sister comfortable?" Cindy asks Logan

"She is" Logan as he feels to where Ava was sitting at the moment

Cindy snuggles close to daddy as he starts reading the night before Christmas to her, and by the time he was done she was fast asleep on him

"Ah night love" he tells her as he covers her up and gives her a kiss tonight

After Logan left her room he felt a pain

"Logan are you okay?" Erin asks him as she heads to gets Cindy's gifts

"Yeah I'm fine" he says as he follows her to go get Cindy's presents, so they go under the tree

Logan and Erin decided to spoil Cindy that year for Christmas cause she was an orphan and she needed to be loved

"I think she got enough for Christmas Logan" Erin says when she looks at the stack of presents that Cindy had to open tomorrow morning

"Yeah" he says when he felt another strong pain

"Logan are you feeling okay?" Erin asks him

"I'm fine just some pains is all" he says as he gets up

"If you are going into labor let me know, and we are going to the hospital" Erin says as they go to bed that night

"It's probably braxton hicks contractions is all, so I'm not worried about it right now" he says as he follows her upstairs, so they could go to bed that night

"You haven't gotten that big since you got pregnant" she says as she gets ready for bed

"I know I'm all baby, and that's how i want it to be" he says as he admires himself in the mirror

"Has she been kicking a lot?" she asks in the bathroom

"Yeah and she has been doing somersaults in there" he says when he feels Ava move again

"Not too much longer" she says as she feels Ava

"Nope i want her out already i can't take the back pain, heartburn, and frequent trips to the bathroom" he says as he heads to bed cause Cindy is going to be up

(Two in the morning)

Logan woke up with bad pains, so he knew Ava was going to be coming soon

"Erin, Erin wake-up" he says as he shakes her awake

"Logan what is it?" she asks when she wakes up

"I think I am in labor can you take me to the hospital?" he asks her

"Yeah let me grab Cindy and your hospital bag, and we can go" she says as she wakes up

Logan starts calling the team to let them know that this might be it, and that they need to get to the hospital

"I grabbed some of Cindy's presents, so she can open them just in case we are there a while" Erin says to Logan as she loads the car up as he comes out of the house

"That's fine" he says as he goes to the car

Cindy slept the entire way to the hospital, and she didn't know what was going on


Logan, Erin and Cindy head into the hospital where the team was waiting for him

"Who is going to stay with Cindy while you are in labor?" James sasks him

"I'm going to keep her with me until i go into the delivery room, and if you guys can't come in I have Kendall standing by cause he is Ava's father after all" Logan says as he heads to get himself registered, and checked into the hospital

They sent Logan up to maternity where he was going to have Ava

"I have the team bringing in Cindy's present's, so she can open them if they do plan on keeping you here" Erin says as they board the elevator to go up to the maternity floor

"That's good i don't want to ruin her Christmas cause I'm in labor" he says as he pushes the up button to go up to maternity

Once they enter the floor Logan tells the nurses that he is here to have Ava, and they let him in

"Okay Mr. Henderson we are going to check to see if you are starting to dilate, and get you hooked up to the montiors" one nurse says as she guides Logan, Erin, and Cindy to the room

Logan changed into his gown, and Erin laid Cindy down on the couch, so she could sleep

"Erin before i get into the bed i have something i want to ask you" he says as he goes over to his hospital bag and pull out a ring box

Logan grabs in and tries to get down on one knee if he can

"Erin Sanders I have loved you from the first time that i met you, and I knew from that day on you were the one that i want to spend the rest of my life with, so will you marry me?" he asks her as he opens the ring box revealing a pretty ring

"Yes Logan henderson I will marry you" she says as she kisses him

Merry Christmas everyone

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