Off to the dentist

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"Okay Cindy now we are off to the dentist to give you a bit of a check up to see how your teeth are then we will head home for some lunch, and then you wil be going to the eye doctor to see about your cute little eyes you have" he says as Erin drives to the dentist office for Cindy's check up since

"No dentist" Cindy says from her car seat as throws an tantrum as the family heads to the dentist

"Sweetie he won't do nothing bad he just wants to see if you are brushing your teeth is all, and to see if you have all of your baby teeth right now. plus to see if you have any cavities" Erin says as she continues to drive to the dentist office

"If you are good you can get a toy from the toy store after the dentist office" he says to Cindy

"Way to reason with her Logan" Erin says as she heads to the dentist office after they were done at the pediatrician office with all three girls since they passed with flying colors

"It's the only way I know how right now plus I am trying not to worry about Britton going back into the hospital and away from me, and I won't can't hold her in my arms or feed her like I could feed her sister together like I want to" Logan says as he doesn't think of Britton going back into the hospital after they were done running around cause he told the pediatrican that they had some running around to do

"I forgot she has to go back in as well cause she is under weight and height for her age" Erin says as they continue to head to the dentist that morning

"Yeah and I'm not happy about it I want Britton to be with me and not in the hospital where the nurses will be caring for her, and not me like how i want it to be" he says as he plays on his phone as Erin continue to drive to the dentist office

(Dentist office)

"Okay Cindy here we are" he says as Erin pulls into a parking spot at the dentist office that was close for Logan cause he was still healing from the births of the babies

"Me no go daddy" Cindy says to him as he opens the door to get her out of her car seat

"Princess it is going to be okay I am going to be besides you the entire time" he says as he unbuckles her from her car seat, so they could head into to see Dr. Spring

"Yeah and mommy is going to get her teeth clean as well" Erin says as she gets the twins out of the van and puts them in the stroller, so the family could head in to get CIndy her check-up and Erin get her teeth clean

"See Cindy it won't be so bad" he says as he walks with her into the dentist office, so he can get her signed in, so she can see Dr. Spring for the first time

Cindy played with some toys in the waiting room while they waited to go back to see Dr. Spring

"Cindy Henderson" the nurse calls from the doorway that goes back to where the dentist chairs were at

"Come on Cindy that's us" he says as they head back to see the dentist with the twins that were still sleeping

Cindy walks slowly with daddy as they headed back to see if she has any cavities at all

"Up onto the chair and the dentist will be in soon" the nurse says to Cindy and Logan

"See princess it's not going to be so bad" he says as another nurse puts a bin on Cindy to protect her clothes from getting messy as the dentist checked her out for cavities that she might have at the moment

"Hello you must be Cindy I am Dr. Spring and I will be your dentist" the dentist says as he hands her some crayons as soon as he walked into the office

"See Cindy the dentist is nice and he won't hurt you at all" Logan says to her

"Nope I am completely harmless" the dentist says to Cindy as he sits behind her to check to see about her teeth to see if they were clean and healthy or not

The dentist played some games with Cindy to make it fun for her, and she liked it a lot

"Well I can see she will need braces when she she older cause her mouth is really small, and when her adult teeth come in there won't be any room for them to come in properly, so when she is in elementary school the braces will go on" Dr. Spring says to Logan

"That was ver helpful than you Dr" Logan says to the dentist

"She has great teeth, so I am going to clean her teeth a little bit and give her a new toothbrush to take home with her today" Dr. Spring says to Logan

"That's fine by me with her I want her to have a healthy mouth" Logan says to the Dr. as he starts to clean Cindy's teeth a little bit that morning

Cindy loved the cleaning part of the visit cause she loved how bright her smile was, and the water tickled

"There that wasn't so bad now was it?" Logan asks after the visit was over that day until six months from that day

"No it wasn't" she says to him as they leave to go home to get some lunch since mommy was going to be there a while getting her teeth done cause her teeth cleaning is a little more intense, and Logan will just come with Cindy to get his teeth done

"After your nap we are off to see the eye doctor to see about your eyes Cindy" he says as he loads the twins into the van, so they could get something to eat cause the twins were probably getting cranky, and were ready to have their lunch as well

Logan was able to get all three girls into the van and secured before going back to his house to give the girls their lunch that day before nap time

(Henderson house)

"Okay girls once daddy gets you girls out he will feed you" he says when he hears the twins start to cry in their car seats

Logan works quickly to get the babies out and get Cindy out as well. Once Cindy was out she went to the couch to lay down cause her head was hurting her

"Here sweetie let daddy give you a damp cloth to help with your headache until he gets lunch started for your sisters" he says as he puts a damp cloth on her head to help with the heacdache that she had at the moment

Logan covered her up as well while he was in the room with her

"There you go princess" he says as he tucks her in for a little bit

"Thank you daddy" she says happily to him

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