Part 4

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"Okay Logan will come into the hospital at midnight on the 6th and be monitored as well for contractions and if any of the girls go into distress" the doctor tells them before he left to go home

"All I have to do is wake for the 6th and we will go to the hospital and wait for the girls to be born" Logan says as he was looking down at his bump right now where the girls were right now

"Yup and I have to see who can stay with the older ones while we are at the hospital and waiting for you to have the girls" Kendall says as he kisses Logan right now

"Call our family first then call the guys and if all of them are busy I guess we have to see if we can get a sitter that is willing to stay overnight with the kids while we are at the hospital" Logan says as he was thinking of a plan b if it don't work out with the family and the guys as well

Kendall's one brother and his fiancé was willing to come and stay with the other kids while Kendall and Logan were at the hospital having the twins

"That was easier said then done my brother is going to fly in the day you go to the hospital and then he is willing to stay and help until you are somewhat healed then my parents will fly out to help until the twins get separated as well" Kendall says as he was thinking when the girls were going to be separated down the road cause the doctor wants to separate them as soon as possible

"That's good I'll do meal prep so when I'm in post partum we are good to go cause I won't feel like cooking once I have the c section" Logan says as he was going to place a grocery order and Kendall was going to go and pick it up for them

"Sounds like a plan to be cause you are going to be sore, and I'll be doing most of the work anyway" Kendall says as he thought ahead

"I'll even get my hospital gown ordered as well cause with the virus going around, I don't feel comfortable wearing another person's gown" Logan tells him cause he wanted to be able to be comfortable as he was in the hospital having the girls cause of the virus that was still going around the globe cause a new variation has been found and Logan was on the fence about the bed and being on the operating table as well cause he wanted to sit in a chair or something after he had the twins cause being on a hospital bed that might not have been cleaned really well or having sheets that weren't changed scared him a lot cause he was going to order sheets as well for the bed cause that was going to make him feel better about being in the hospital and recovering from the birth of the babies and he was going to bring his own pillows as well so he did not have to touch someone else germs as well

(Weeks later)

Logan was double checking to make sure he had everything he needed for the hospital cause he did not want to forget anything cause Kendall would not be able to go home and get it cause he had to have it in the car ready to go as well so Kendall could bring it all in cause Logan was going to have the stroller with the car seats and the diaper bag as well

Merry Christmas and happy new year

we will continue with part 5 sometime right now I'm having computer issues and I'm on my phone still and I'm still working

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