Chapter 13 ~ Petrified 🍋

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Warning: masturbation (You can skip it if u want to)

You sat in the teachers common room. Severus was gently laughing along with a joke you had said. Immediately he shut his mouth as the door opened and Lockheart swept in.

"(y/n), I wondered if you could help me with something?" he asks sweetly.

"Yes of course" you smile. Looking at Severus he raises his eyebrows at Lockheart but says nothing.

You follow Lockheart out to the defence against the dark arts office. He immediately shuts the door and kisses you passionately. You push him away, dumfounded. "What are you doing?" you exclaim "Get off me"

"Oh come on (y/n)" he smirked "I see your flirts. And I like you, so?"

"So?" you say annoyed. "Don't touch me" you push him away and open the door but he slams it and pins you to it.

"I have seen the way you act around me" he smirked "I'm rich, famous and devilishly handsome. What more do you want?"

"I want you to get away from me" you shout, pushing him away and running out of the office into the hallway. It had become dark and you stop, looking out of a window to the stars. Looking to the left of the glass, reflected there were two big yellow eyes. Immediately you drop, frozen in place. You try to scream and move but your body was refusing to move.

"(y/n)?" you hear a voice, and see Severus kneeling over you, his worried expression said it all. You tried to shout, to tell him you where okay, but nothing happened. He scooped your cold body into his arms and ran you to the hospital wing, laying you down on a spare bed he sees Harry and another petrified victim on other beds. Quickly he finds Madam Pomfrey.

"It's the second one petrified this night. And a teacher!" she cried.

Snape looked down on you and gently pushed your hair out your eyes and stroked your face.

"There is nothing we can do until the Mandrakes are ready," Madame Pomfrey said "I'm sorry Severus" she walked out of the room and Snape looked down at you, tears in his eyes.

Harry turned silently to see Snape, who could most likely petrify a person with his own eyes silently sob over your petrified state.

Snape pulled himself together and kissed your forehead. "I love you" he whispered before leaving.

Harry quickly closed his eyes and opened them when Snape left, to see you in a position of calmness, as you had been looking out at the stars.

Snape visited you every one of his breaks, marking essays next to you. He would look down at you lovingly, or say sweet gentle things.

Snape looked up as he heard the doors open. In came Lockheart. Severus let go of your hand and folded his arms.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Can't I see a fellow teacher?" he asked, smiling down at you. Severus stared daggers at Lockheart. For Snape blamed Lockheart, if he hadn't drawn you away you wouldn't be in the bed, petrified.

Lockheart sat next to you and reached out his hand to gently caresses your face. Snape stared at his hand and could take no more of his behaviour. "Gilderoy" he suddenly said. "May I have a word in my office" he hissed.

"Of course Severus" he grins, following him out of the medical wing and to Snape's office. As soon as Lockheart walked in, Severus shut the door and grabbed Gilderoy by the collar.

"I do not think (y/n) takes it kindly when you touch her" he hisses "We are not friends, nor will I or (y/n) ever want to get to know you. If you ever touch (y/n), talk to (y/n) or even go near (y/n) again I will find you." he threatened "I am a man of my word"

At this point, Lockheart had gone white and Severus let go of him, and quickly he ran from the room.

Warning starts uwu

Severus smirked. He had kept Lockheart away from you. He felt good. Really good.

He sat down, thinking off your body pressed against his, your hands wrapped around his neck and his hands resting on your waist. He quietly moaned as he started to gently stroke himself, imagining you doing it and he smirked, quickly tugging off his clothes he brings out his dick and began gently rubbing it, his body twitched with excitement as he increased his pace and went faster and faster and faster. He let a wave of pleasure consume him and he let out a loud moan, relaxing into his seat.

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