
"Woah what do you think you're doing Cooper?" Luna asked in surprised because right in front of her was a now topless Tobias Amadeus Cooper.

"Changing?" he answered innocently, throwing his shirt on his bag lying on the foot of the bed. The way his body move making her all hot and completely bother, Toby has a thin frame, a gentle reminder of his condition, no abs or any well-refined muscles that will make a girl drool, but Toby looks so sexy in an unconventional way that perfectly suits her taste.

They were sharing a room with two bedrooms all to themselves, and with six more hours before they head back home, she has him all to herself. A thought that was enough to rattle her entire existence, sharing a room with Toby now that they had already sorted out their feelings for each other, she wasn't so sure that she could survive the night in peace.

"You okay, Miss Greene?" Toby's hand on her shoulder making her flinch involuntarily, she was too busy with her thoughts to even see him crossing the room and get to her.

"Yeah, sure. But ahh--can you maybe use--the bathroom,"

"Why are you stuttering Miss Greene?" Toby asked softly, his teasing tone making her cheeks burn, embarrassed about the thoughts swimming in her head. Blaming Athena, Lexus and France for feeding her mind with indecent thoughts about the boy standing half-naked in front of her.

"Nothing," she replied, barely recognizing her rasped voice. Toby eyed her suspiciously but did not say another word as he leaned closer to her, planting a kiss on her forehead before he went straight to the bathroom, leaving a flustered Luna behind.

"Damn Luna, calm down," she mumbled, scolding herself while desperately searching for the AC remote in hope to ease the burning sensation left by Toby's absence.

The sound of water running on the sink filling the deafening silence inside the room, wondering if the boy behind the door was as nervous as her. But before she could get lost in her thoughts again, her phone started ringing on her bed, Luna crossed the room in an instant, answering the call without much thought.

"Babe! Oh my god, what's going on there? We need an update!" Athena's squealing like a true squirrel on the other line, she could hear France and Lexus mumbling on the background.

"Seriously babe? Can't we just talk when we get back in like, eight hours from now?"

"Aww our baby Luna's being so shy, it's okay babe we understand that you're a virgin and innocent there's no need to be sh---"

The bathroom door opened, revealing a fully dressed Toby, the boy watches her with a faint smile on his lips as he moved slowly towards her.

"Gotta go babe. Bye love you three!" She ended the call not wanting any of Athena's rumbling to reach Toby's ears.

The boy walked towards her, pulling her closer to him and resting his chin on the crook of her neck, Luna was too conscious of him that it was taking everything in her to keep her hormones at bay. The smell of his mouthwash made its way to her nose, pulling her in like a moth drawn to the flame. Whatever game that Toby's playing right now, he's winning. But Luna's a fighter and she wouldn't lose without a fight.

"Was that the gang?" His voice sounded a little deeper than usual, making her inside turned into a happy dance.

Come on Luna, two can play this game. Swallowing her nervousness away, Luna leans deeper, melting into the comfort of his arms around her.

"Yeah, they're checking on us," she answered, acting all nonchalant as she watches Toby's gripped tightening around her waist. Craning her neck a little to give the boy a little more access to her expose skin, earning a muffled groan that brought a smile on her face knowing how much effect that simple action does to him.

"What do you think you're doing Miss Greene?" Toby whispered in her ears, his breath fanning the sensitive spot, sending her into a fit of laughter. She was extremely ticklish around her ears, a fact that Toby knew a little too well.

"Stop that!" She whined, pulling away from him with a playful glare that Toby reciprocated with a loop-sided smirk.

"Come here, Miss Greene," he motioned her back into his arms, her cheeks resting on his chest, listening to the tune of his heart beating for her while they lay comfortably on his bed.

Toby's playing with the ring on her finger, the sight of it making her heart filled with joy. Fake wedding or not, Luna would do it all over again in a heartbeat, as long as it was him, as long as it was her Toby.

"I love you Luna," he mumbled softly, kissing the top of her head. No matter how many times Toby says that he loves her, it still felt surreal. A few months back, she was the same old Luna who was hopelessly in love with her best friend, and a few months later, she was still the same old Luna, still young, dumb and in love, only this time, Toby love her as much as she loves him.

"And I love loving you Toby," she replied cheekily, facing him in one fluid motion, capturing his lips hungrily on hers, their mouth dancing in a tune that was embedded deeply on their souls leaving them completely breathless and aching for more.

"You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me, Luna," his words full of adoration, worshipping the very air she breaths as he stared at her with eyes that resembles the vast sky and gaze so strong that burns everything in its path like a wildfire. His love was too intense, pure and heart wrenching, yet she loves him just the same.

"You're an idiot Cooper," Luna muttered breathlessly, Toby smiled in return, understanding her words in a language that they only knew.

"I'm your idiot Miss Greene." He replied, capturing her lips on his once more as they let themselves get burn in the fire that was their love. 

Loving Toby (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now