"Did you just call me old Eliana?" He asked and she can tell that her dad's suppressing a smile already. Luna misses him, although LA was just a few hours away from San Diego, it can't change the fact that she'll always miss her daddy.

"No sir!"

"Anyway, what's bothering you princess?"

"College stuffs, I still don't know what I want to do with my life Daddy," she ranted making her father laughed.

"Dad it's not funny!"

"Okay fine, just one thing baby. If you can't decide right now, it's totally fine. Did you know that I took a year off school just to figured out what I want to do after Highschool? I worked for your grandma and grandpa for half a year then I packed my bag and traveled from West to East coast using my old beat-up truck for a few months!" It's a classic Chase Louise Greene story, her father is a very simple guy, he doesn't believe in plans and that's something that Luna inherited from him.

"Honey, you and Caleb can spend the rest of your life figuring out what you want to do with your life. You can travel the world and I'll even send you money for that, you do whatever you want Luna and I'll be just here supporting the two of you. Though mom will definitely throw a fit," that made Luna smile knowing that no matter what happens, her dad's got their back. Though their mom's a different story.

"Thanks Dad,"

"No problem kiddo" They spent a few more minutes catching up, until Luna felt asleep without much of a fight.

The day of the career guidance came a little faster than Luna expected, everyone was busy talking about their future plans, while Luna stayed silent in a corner. The emptiness on the chair next to him making it harder to go through her day, Toby was absent today of all days. She tried calling him up multiple times but to no avail.

Everyone was called one by one for the career guidance, Luna's getting more anxious not knowing what to expect. Her mother was hoping for positive feedback from today's event, and she's been nagging her all week for it.

"Miss Greene?" It was finally her turn to face her reality, with shaking hands and the erratic beating of her heart, Luna took her time walking into the room, the white door that reveals the ever so strict, Mrs. Claws. If she hated one person in her life aside from Darius Gregory, it would be her. For some unknown reason, Mrs. Claws find happiness in watching her every move. Like a vulture watching her prey, waiting for the perfect time to attack.

"Good morning, Mrs. Claws," she greeted politely, sitting into the chair in front of her while Mrs. Claws watches her closely.

"I see you haven't put any career path or plans on your paper Ms. Greene, may I know why?" the woman asked without hiding the animosity on her tone.

"You see Mrs. Claws, I really don't know what I want to do after Highschool, unlike everyone else, I don't have a career that I think will suits me or something that I'm passionate about," Luna started, playing with her hands under the table hoping that she's talking to someone else other than Mrs. Claws who looks completely unimpressed by her words.

"So, you're taking a gap year?"

"I might do that, but like I said, I really don't know what I want after Highschool," Luna answered, scratching her noise hoping that the conversation would end sooner than later. She cannot tell what Mrs. Claws was thinking, Luna watched her carefully as she removed her glasses, with a deep sigh and a small smile on her lips, she spoke to her in a way that she didn't know possible.

"Luna, it's okay not to know what you want to do in your life yet, not everyone can figure out what they want just because they want to. Sometimes what you want when you're eighteen and young, might not be the same thing that you want when you're in your 20's. And that is okay," it was not something that she thought she'll hear from someone who's always been uptight and strict. Luna thought that Mrs. Claws will scold her for not putting anything on her paper. But like people said, you cannot really judge a book by its cover.

"So, what am I supposed to do now?" she asked, not really sure what the woman wants her to do.

"It's easy Miss Greene, do what you want to do but make sure that whatever you do, it will be something that you will never regret in the future. Life's too short for regrets honey," it was something that stuck to her mind for the rest of the day, she needed someone to talk but she can't find that someone right now. Yes, she has her best friends and brother, but the difference between them was, unlike them, she's still unsure of what she wants to do, she doesn't have any plans unlike them.

Without her knowing, she's dialing Toby's number, hoping that somehow, he can help her. Because that's what Toby does best, making things better for her.

"Hello?" but things don't always fall the way she wanted it to be. Maybe Mrs. Claws was right after all, if only she was brave enough to face Toby and tell him about her feelings, maybe she wouldn't be in such a pain after hearing an unfamiliar voice on the other line.

Loving Toby (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang