Chapter 1: who did it?

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~joshs pov~

We have all been waiting a week for Nicole to wake up. Yeah, she still hasn't. I've been freaking out, but staying strong when the twins would check in. Jaden is furious because he wants to kill whoever caused the fire.

"Mr Richards?" A police officer asked as he cane into the hospital room.

I nodded and said "that's me. everything ok?"

He sighed and said "well, the house fire. We found out how it started and who started it. Your neighbors have some video surveillance of a teenage looking boy breaking a window, then throwing a lit match through the window, onto what we believe was your couch. If miss hall didn't do exactly what she had done, no one would've survived."

I looked at Jaden and his veins were popping out of him. All I could see was anger.

"Do you have the video so we could see it?" Jaden asked the officer.

The police officer nodded, then took out an iPad and played the video. From the angle, it looked like it would be from the house next to nicks brothers.

Everyone gathered around the ipad watching. You could see the person throwing the match in, then staying outside leaning against the wall. He put his hand into his backpack and pulled something out, then looked around.

"Wait can we pause it for just a second." I asked as I think the persons face appeared for a quick second.

The officer nodded and I paused the video right as the person looked over towards the camera. I zoomed in on who it was, then looked at Jaden.

He immediately knew who it was. He was trying his best not to totally freak out and lose it.

"That little-..." Jaden started to say but the officer cut him off.

"You guys know him?" The officer asked while taking out a note pad.

I nodded. "Jackson felt. He's been a huge problem in Nicole's life. She's gotten harassed, raped, beaten, basically anything you could think of. No matter what he would never leave us alone."

The officer took note of every word I said. One the pen stopped, he said "mr felt, he's been around the jail a few times. I'm gonna go add this to our report file. Best of luck to you guys and figuring out everything and to Nicole's health."

We all thanked the officer as he left the room, then just sat there. Anger in everyone's face. I mean, it was only me Jaden and Charli there, but still.

Jadens veins were popping out again. "That fucking asshole!" Jaden said pretty angrily. I just frowned and said "I have to go check on the twins.. can you guys stay here and watch her..?"

"Josh of course, go. We will let you know if anything happens." Charli said. Jaden didn't even respond, mostly because if he did, he would've snapped.

I gave a small smile and left the room, then walked out of the hospital to my car.

As I got to Taylers house, all I could focus on was our house across the street. The inner and outer walls burnt down and black. Whatever was inside, burnt to dust or half gone.

I stopped paying attention to that, and just went inside of Taylers. The twins cane running towards me yelling "daddy!"

I knelt down and hugged them as my tears just came down my face, no sound though.

"Josh, how is she?" Tayler asked while coming into the room quickly with bryce. The three of us haven't slept since the fire. It was obvious too.. huge eye bags and dark spots under our eyes.

"The same. We figured out who did it though." I said while wiping the tears away from my eyes.

They looked at me confused as we sat on the couch. The twins were on my lap hugging me since we haven't gotten to spend much time together.

"Well, who was it? Anyone we know?" Bryce asked.

"Oh we definitely know him. Jaden is furious and Charli is keeping him as calm as possible." I started to say.

"Well.. who is it?" Bryce said again.

"Jackson. We don't know why, but it was him. Your neighbors sent in video surveillance and we figured it out." I said while looking at each of them.

Tayler has the same look as Jaden, bryce almost the same. More worried though.

"Daddy who's Jackson?" Maggie asked.

"A bad guy. He put mommy through a lot." I said trying not to scare her.

"When will mommy be home?" Finn asked.

Gosh I hate this. The twins have no clue what's going on and it sucks.

"Mommy won't be home for a little bit.. but hopefully soon." I said.

The twins both nodded and just stayed with me. I think they were enjoying my presence. This didn't last long though..they got distracted by Baxter and ran into the other room to play with him.

We all talked for a little bit more, but I felt bad leaving Nicole in the hospital so I got ready to go.

I was about to go, but the twins cane running in saying "daddy! Where are you going?"

I frowned and said "I have to go to mommy, uncle Jaden and aunt Charli."

Maggie frowned and said "I wanna see mommy.. I miss mommy.."

I looked up at tayler, then back at the twins and said "o-ok.. you two can come but you have to be on your best behavior ok?" The twins smiled and nodded.

"Josh you sure..?" Tayler asked.

I nodded "yeah. You two deserve a break. The other four do too. I will come back tomorrow with them."

Tayler nodded and we left. The twins sat in the back in their car seats and I drove back to the hospital.

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