m- Oh, alright, we're going down that road, okay. Well... it's been a while, I'd say over 4 or 5 months.

y- Okay, well maybe if you orgasmed with a girl, or really I should say in a girl *blushes like crazy btw* then you would be less stressed.

m- Well it's a great idea other than I don't have any girls to do that with.

y- If you really think it'll help you relieve stress, then I'll do it.

m- You'll have sex with me, just like that?

y- Yes. I want to help you, so if you really think it will help I will. Plus it's not like you're disgusting to be around, or that you aren't attractive... or that I don't want to.

You trailed off on the last part, saying it barely above a whisper, hoping he didn't hear you. But alas, he did.

m- Wait, did you just say you want to?

y- I mean, kinda... I guess.

He smirked at you cockily.

y- Oh come on! You can't tell me that the thought hasn't crossed your mind, I mean we've been friends for almost 2 years.

m- Okay, true, I've thought about it, but I never thought you would have.

y- Surprise, I have. Now come on...

You stood up giggling and grabbed onto his hand with yours, dragging him up off the couch and to your room. Once you got there, you pulled him in and shut the door behind him, locking it. You were still giggling like a little school girl, as you went to sit on your bed, and he stood awkwardly beside the door. You looked at him and patted the spot next to you on the bed. He walked over and sat down, just looking at you. You took a deep breath in, as if breathing in courage, and when you exhaled you placed your hands on the sides of his neck with your thumbs resting on his cheeks.

y- Michael, if you're not comfortable with this, we don't have to do this.

m- No, y/n, I really want to do this.

With that, he grabbed onto your waist pulling you on top of him so you were straddling him, and he gently pressed his lips onto yours. You both melted into the kiss, lips moving together in sync. You opened your mouth slightly, invited him in, and his tongue slid in to massage yours. He slid his hands down from your hips onto your ass, and he squeezed and grabbed it. This made you smile, and you pulled away from the kiss to laugh, tilting your head back. He took this opportunity while your neck was exposed to kiss it. It started out as sweet little pecks up and down the side of your neck, but quickly they turned into aggressive and needy kisses. You let out a moan of satisfaction, and he pulled away. You blushed thinking he pulled away because you moaned.

y- Sorry..

m- Why?

y- You pulled away cause I moaned?

m- Oh no, you moaning was sexy, turned me on more actually. No I pulled away because I accidentally got carried away and gave you a hickey. I pulled away so I wouldn't give you another one, because I know you don't like when people can see your hickeys.

Michael SanzoneWhere stories live. Discover now