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⚠️ passing out & slight cussing ⚠️

 ~Roommates human au~

(EDITED by KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.)

Roman had just got back from school so he turned on his radio. One of his favorite songs came on so he quickly turned up the volume, grabbed a hairbrush, and started singing at the top of his lungs. (Somehow he still sounded good.)

His roommate Virgil came in not long after him and has had a bad day and headache and started to feel slightly faint so he 'stormed' into Roman's room (A/N: as seen in photo above) and turned the radio down. To his disappointment Roman kept singing loudly.

"Roman!" Virgil yelled while stumbling over to Roman and then shaking his shoulder. "What?" Roman asked as he turned around. Right once he was facing Virgil, Virgil was holding his head tightly and then fell forward into Roman and passed out.

"Woah, what the Hell?" Roman asked, confused and concerned. He quickly picked Virgil up and placed him onto his bed.

Virgil woke up after about a minute. "What happened?" Virgil asked in a whisper because his head was still hurting.

"Well you came in here, turned down my music, tapped on my shoulder after yelling at me and then passed out." Roman recalled while handing him some Aspirin and a water.

"Thanks." Virgil said as he took the medicine and water. "So how did I end up on a bed? I know I don't have that much luck." Virgil asked.

"Well you kind of passed out on me so I picked you up and then put you on the bed, while I went and grabbed the medicine and water." Roman explained.

"Oh, well thank you and I'm sorry. If I could have controlled where I passed out then I would have tried to av-" Virgil's rambling was cut off by Roman hugging him.

"Its fine Hot Topic, as long as your ok then everything's good." Roman said while laying down next to Virgil.

"How the Hell could you possibly find me hot right now? My makeup is extra smudged, my hair is a mess, I am a mess in general." Virgil stated while laying slightly closer to Roman.

"Because you are always hot to me, you are not a mess and while I'm saying all of this, why not add in the fact that I have liked you for about a year now?" Roman said with a small smile.

"Well as confused as I am with the first half of your statement, I know that I like you too." Virgil said while cuddling into Roman's side.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Roman asked while loosening his grip on Virgil, just incase he wanted to move and get away from him.

"I would love to." Virgil said. He then kissed Roman's cheek, cuddled closer to  his chest, and then fell asleep.

"Well alright then." Roman thought while smiling right before he too fell asleep.

491 words! I'm sorry that one was short but I liked it enough. I hope you liked it and that you have an amazing day/night! 😁💖

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