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(EDITED by KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.)

All of the Light Sides where in the living room watching some Steven Universe when Logan turned to Patton and whispered "Have you ever liked someone, but you were too afraid to tell them?"

"Of Course!" Patton said back quickly.

They both sat in silence for a minute, just watching the show when Virgil face palmed and yelled "JUST KISS ALREADY!" To them both. They both blushed furiously.

"I agree with the Emo Nightmare on this." Roman stated while pausing the movie.

"You and Virgil are not ones to talk! You two have so much sexual tension I could cut it with my knife if I wanted to!" Remus yelled as he and Janus sunk up into the Light Sides living room.

"Same goes to you and Janus!" Roman defended.

"You never denied it!" Remus yelled back.

"Neither did you!" Roman yelled back at him. By now Virgil was huddled on the couch, curled into himself because he hates people yelling. Logan was tuning them all out, while Patton was trying to get them to stop yelling.

"Roman! Remus! Stop please! Your scarring Virgil!" Patton said loudly making then quickly shut up and Roman move over to Virgil.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I just strongly dislike him sometimes." Roman whispered to Virgil as he hugged him, Virgil cuddled into Roman's chest.

"Its ok Princy, just stay quiet." Virgil said while cuddling closer to Roman making Patton squeal, Logan have a small smile, Janus smile while rolling his eyes, and Remus just roll his eyes.

"Well goodbye, this is the last time you will be seeing us!" Janus yelled while he grabbed Remus's hand and sunk them both out.

"Byeeeeeeee!" Patton giggled as they sunk down.

"Well now that, that has happened I feel like we should all just state the facts. I like you Patton and I would like to be your boyfriend if you would let me." Logan stated while looking at Patton who was now sitting very close to him.

"I would love to!" Patton giggled, kissed Logan's cheek, and then cuddled into his side.

"Virgil, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Roman asked nervously.

"Duh you idiot." Virgil mumbled with a smile. All of the sides decided to just stay on the couch and have a lazy day where they just sit cuddled on the couch and watch movies all day long.

Don't worry, it was Saturday and Thomas and Joan where also having a lazy, cuddle day.

420 words! This is short, I know but at least it is longer than only 100 some words! Anyway, I hope you liked this and that you have an amazing day/night! 😁💖

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