Hugs (Platonic Rem/Rom)

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⚠️Talk of killing someone⚠️ 


(EDITED by @KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.)

Roman was trying to sleep one night when all of a sudden he heard some footsteps and as if on cue some creepy music.

He got up to investigate, his sword drawn and his footsteps quiet as a mouse.

All of a sudden he turns a corner to find Remus looking at him with a crazed look. A knife in hand and his creepy eyes bulging out of his head.

Roman, who was expecting the worst raised his sword slightly. Only to watch Remus drop his knife, his eyes become normal and the crazed look disappear.

Roman lowered his sword in shock and Remus took that to his advantage.

He quickly tackle hugged him, not a small hug that you give to someone you don't like. A massive bone crushing hug.

Roman was extremely confused but soon hugged back.

Before he could say anything Remus let go and walked back to his room, munching on some deodorant.

Roman stood there for a while, extremely confused. Remus never gives him attention. He always hates him... right?

Roman was about to leave when he saw that Remus had left the knife on the ground.

So he picked it up and left to his room.

*The Next Morning*

Roman woke up early, grabbed the knife after getting ready for the day and started off to Remus's room.

"Remus!" Roman yelled before entering the room.

Remus was still asleep on the bed when Roman barged in.

So Roman walked over, put the knife with the drawer full of others and woke him up.

"Whatttttt?" Remus asked, not looking at who it was, instead shoving his head further into his pillow.

"You left your knife so I brought it back." Roman stated making Remus spring up and moving away from him.

"Oh, thanks but I have plenty others, see?" Remus stated while putting up his crazy self mask and holding up a new knife that he pulled from under his pillow.

"Remus, drop the act, its just me.  If you ever want to talk to me or just have a hug then you don't need to act like your going to kill me first." Roman stated with a sigh, somewhat awkwardly.

"Ok, thanks. Now get out." Remus stated with a smile, not a creepy smile but a genuine smile.

So Roman got up and walked to the door, with Remus right behind him.

Before he walked off Remus gave him a hug and then shut the door quickly.

*sigh* "He is so weird." Roman thought before walking off to go eat breakfast with the other sides.

431 Words! I am very sorry that this is so short but I really liked the inspiration at the top and wanted to make a one-shot with it.

I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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