Spiders (DRLAMP)

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*Post Remus* 

⚠️Slight cussing & talk of massive spiders⚠️

(EDITED by KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.)

Thomas has just finished watching a horror movie with Joan. It was night time so he decided to go to sleep.

What he didn't know was that while he was asleep the monstrous spiders he just watched would appear in his mind...

All of the sides where watching Supernatural in the living room on the couch (all cuddling each other) when all of a sudden there was a screech.

They all sprang up, startled. When they saw a massive spider with very large fangs.

Roman pulled Logan back by the belt with his sword out towards the creature, Virgil was clutching onto Roman's back and was screaming, Patton was hiding his face in Virgil's shoulder, and Janus was trying to get them all to leave to the next room over.

Roman pulled Logan back by the belt with his sword out towards the creature, Virgil was clutching onto Roman's back and was screaming, Patton was hiding his face in Virgil's shoulder, and Janus was trying to get them all to leave to the next room ...

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(A/N: As shown here^^^)

"Where the Hell did that come from?!" Virgil asked as Roman moved out of the group to slay the beast.

"Thomas was watching a scary movie and this is what the monster was!" Logan replied, now being pulled in by Virgil.

"Self reminder, NEVER let Thomas watch a scary movie ever again!" Virgil stated as they all watched Roman lure the beast outside.

"Why did we not move people?! That thing could have killed us!" Janus yelled as they all ran to the window to see if Roman would need any help.

They got there just in time to see Roman take his sword out of the spider mutant thing. All of them covering Patton's eyes.

Once Roman came back inside they all had a massive group hug.

"Thank you!" The other four said as Virgil kissed Roman's cheek, Patton kissed his other cheek, Janus hugged him and Logan kissed the top of his head (being the tallest of them all).

"Your welcome, it was quite easy to kill considering I saw how to do so from the movie." Roman stated with a blush from all of the attention and affection.

Once all of the commotion was over they all returned to cuddling on the couch.

They where all going to 'attack' Thomas in the morning, but until then they where content just cuddling and watching Supernatural until they fell asleep themselves.

369 Words! I am sorry this was short! I have been trying to make longer ones but my inspiration just hasn't been there. In the future I can promise that there WILL be longer ones!!!

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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