Attention (Intrological)

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⚠️Talk of Thomas/Remus being the bad type of crazy⚠️

(EDITED by KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.) 

Logan was trying to read a book when Remus came into the room.

He moved so he was towering over Logan's back. "Attention-" Remus started.

"No." Logan cut him off, making Remus frown.

"Why not? Do you not love me?" Remus asked while plopping down infront of his boyfriend.

"I do love you, I just want to finish this book first. I only have five chapters left." Logan replied, pausing for a second to kiss Remus's head.

"How long is that going to take?" Remus asked, he really wanted some cuddles from his boyfriend because he was starting to get a bit crazy and Logan was the only one who could calm him down.

"About fifteen minutes, can you wait that long or do I need to stop reading?" Logan asked, knowing that Remus was trying not to make Thomas crazy.

"I can wait for a little while but then I might be hard to calm down." Remus stated while his green eye glowed.

"Come here love." Logan sighed as he moved to where he was laying with his back against the arm of the couch.

Remus smiled and laid down in Logan's lap, instantly calming down.

"Thank you." Remus muttered after a few minutes of silence, Logan reading and Remus trying not to fall asleep.

"For what?" Logan asked while he started running his fingers through Remus's hair.

"For everything. Calming me down, tolerating me, loving me, giving me attention, basically any and everything you do for me. I don't deserve it but you do it all." Remus explained while cuddling further into Logan's chest.

"Your welcome, you deserve what I do and so much more. Just because you are different, doesn't mean you don't deserve the world." Logan replied and then kissed the top of Remus's head.

After another minute or two Logan put his now finished book down on the coffee table and turned on Supernatural.

Remus hummed in appreciation and they both cuddled while watching Supernatural until they fell asleep.

338 Words! I am sorry that this is short! I will make larger one-shots in the future, I just need better inspiration....

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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