"...I like the way you look, too.. I-I like your trousers.. a lot... I didn't think light gray could compliment anyone so beautifully.."

"...I'll tell you what, Price, for someone who's never dated, you really do know how to make a man blush.."

"It's just the truth.. It's easy when it's just telling the truth.."

"Aren't you sweet.. god, it feels like it's been ages since we've done this, just have a romantic night together.. unless you count watching Holes while we eat Mexican takeout and you gush over Sam the Onion Man."

"Sam the Onion Man is a treasure! it's human nature to be in love with him!"

"You cried!!"

"Yeah... not my best moment..."

"Yeah, no.. very emotional. But guess what? ...I can fix that"

"...that was the hottest thing you've ever done."

"....that? In all our relationship, my Sam the Onion Man impression is what you thought was the hottest?!"


"Well that certainly makes me feel lousy about my skills in the bedroom" he scoffed

"In the bedroom...?"

"..sex." He sighed

"Oh... but that doesn't make sense, it wasn't in the bedroom last time, it was on the couch."

"No, I know-"

"S-So it would be 'my skills in the bedroom and on the couch.. fifty-fifty, specifically, since w-we've only done it twice.."

"Yeah, I... I know. It's a figure of speech."

"It's just- it's not applicable if it isn't your skills 'in the bedroom'. It's in the bedroom and on the couch."

"It's just a figure of speech"

"But why would you want to use one that's not accurate?"

"Because it's the proper way to use it- okay, you know what? That certainly makes me feel lousy about my set of skills in the bedroom half the time and on the couch, the other half. Are you happy, now?"

"Yes... s-so as I was going to say before you started using ridiculous and inaccurate terms is that it's nothing to do with you, and everything to do with Sam the Onion Man."


"So can we eat now?"

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather eat with Sam the Onion Man?"

"Are you seriously jealous of Sam the Onion Man?"

"A little!"

"You are absolutely ridiculous"

"Yes, I know.. But you really like me?"

"Yes, I really like you, you goof... and I'm starving. Can we eat? All I've had today is graham crackers"

"Well what on earth would you do that for?"

"....I dunno." I fibbed

"..okay, weirdo. Dinner time, it is."




It was nice to have him back. Have dinner, pretend everything was okay. Of course, he still thought it was. Heck, maybe I'm a better liar than I thought I was.

It was a nice dinner, Connor's a great cook. He's good at everything. I cant help but wonder what it's like. His parents are so proud of him. And who knows, maybe mine would be, too, but I highly doubt it. There's not much to be proud of. And I know darn well my aunts aren't proud. I can't stop thinking about what she said. What if she's right? What if my parents are ashamed? They have every reason to be. I'm everything they didn't want me to be.

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