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Nalani's Pov -

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Nalani's Pov -

It's been two weeks that I've been home and I was starting to hate it. As much as I love my baby she's been driving me crazy. I've had mama stay here temporarily to help with Luana because I couldn't handle it anymore.

I've been in bed the past two days just trying to relax and get out of this funk I felt I was in. So much was going through my head and I felt like I wasn't a good parent. I hated even looking in the mirror now because my body looked disgusting. I didn't have stretch marks all over my stomach but I did have them on my sides.

I knew there was a chance of me getting postpartum but I didn't think it'd come this soon. At first I was happy when I had my baby and everything felt perfect but now I don't know. I feel unattractive and I don't like my body anymore it's embarrassing to look at.

I was told child bearing was beautiful but I felt the complete opposite. I was knocked out of my thoughts once mama knocked on my bedroom coming in with Luana.

"Hii mommy.. how are you feeling? I think someone's miss their mommy" mama said trying to hand Luana to me but instead I shook my head. I didn't want to hold my baby I just wasn't in the mood. Don't get me wrong I love my baby but I'm just tired physically, mentally and emotionally.

Brennon was starting to act distant again and it was irritating me. He would come home at different hours of the night and would barely talk to me. I knew he had become uninterested in me. I no longer had my body and I was just drained. It had only been two weeks and all this was happening.

I felt like I had no and I didn't want to talk to anyone so I was keeping everything inside. I didn't want any of my family to worry about me. If anything the person who needed attention and the most care right now was my daughter.

"Look Nalani, I'm going to leave now.. I think maybe just you and Lulu need to spend time together.. I let you go for four days honey but I want you two to bond.. now I have all her stuff in her room set up so call me if you need anything" mama said walking out

I think mama was right I spent the rest of the day trying to bond with Luana. I think once I realized how much she means to me I wouldn't feel so bad about my body. Maybe I'd realize how much she was worth messing up my body for. I was just hoping my bounce back would be good enough.

The rest of the day I spent with my baby and trying to bond with her. It was hard because I felt so defeated and like I wasn't doing a good job.

NaNa's Pov -

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NaNa's Pov -

My sister Cherry and I came over to Nalani and Brennon's house to not only see the baby but to talk. Our mom had called us both up and told us to check on Nala because she was worried about her. She was mostly upset because after two weeks Brennon was finally back on his bullshit again.

It pissed me off to see my brother doing Nala like this especially after she just had his baby. He was coming home at all hours of the night. He was barely seeing to his own child and he was barely communicating with the mother of his child. I hated how much he was starting to act like our dad.

I knew it would happen though either Zae or Brennon would act like him. It was like Brennon got all his bad qualities the temper, aggressiveness and his manipulative ways. I was just praying for Nala's sake that things would get easier.

She was crying to both of us how insecure she feels and how she thinks Brennon is already cheating on her. I was hoping he was atleast keeping his dick to himself and just distancing himself instead.

Cherry and I ended up staying for two hours but after we left we went to Brennon's chill spot. If one thing I always knew where my brothers were and Brennon was with Zae and some of his friends.

When we got there I greeted everyone and pulled Brennon aside. I wanted to talk to him and see what the fuck was going on with him. He wasn't being himself and it's not fair for him to act like that.

"Brennon what the fuck?"

"What you mean Malena?"

"Why you out here getting high as hell with these clowns instead of being at home with your girl and your baby. Before you try to say anything else just know that I know about what you've been doing. Nala told me and Cherry everything and you've got that poor girl in that big ass house going crazy. She's suffering mentally and emotionally with her own thoughts postpartum is no joke."

"What have I been doing? Yeah I'm not at home 24/7 but I'm still there and she should be okay. She just needs to realize that she'll be okay. She needs to get out her head and stop overthinking the little shit."

"Brennon she thinks you're cheating on her.. she said you come home late.. don't look at her or touch her.. you barely communicate with her and you don't even see to your baby when you're home it's just like you're there to get ready and then go back out to the streets .. like what's going on with you bro?"

"Malena back the fuck up .. Me and Nala we cool don't worry about her she just being dramatic!!"

By now everyone was looking at us because Brennon wanted to start yelling all loud. Zae came over and tried to calm us both down but I just left. It was like there was no getting through to my brother and that's just what scared me the most about him.

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