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Nalani's Pov -

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Nalani's Pov -

Two weeks later

Today was the day I was getting induced and I couldn't be more excited. Brennon and I were checking our baby bag and making sure we had everything. We packed up the car and headed over to the women's and babies hospital. It took us 20 minutes to get there and throughout the ride my anxiety was out the roof.

I believe it was just because my baby was finally coming within the next day or two. I don't know how long I will be in labor but I'm hoping by not too long. That's why I decided not to do a epidural. Also because I was very scared because I was told that it can permanently paralyze you. It was just too much to risk for me so I decided not to do any meds.

I planned on getting something to help the pain afterwards but to go through it during. We finally got out the car and into the hospital. I was almost admitted right away and the gave me a gown to change into. Brennon set up the stuff in the room and helped me get as comfortable as possible.

Once the doctor finally came in after a hour and explained the process detail to detail I felt a little better. 30 minutes later they started the process I hated the pressure I felt after he broke my water but that was nothing compared to the contractions.

I felt like I started having them right away that's when I really thought should I get a epidural. I just didn't want it to slow down the process. Once Brennon saw how uncomfortable I was he came over to rub my back and distract me. That's when we started talking about any and everything.

We talked about how we wanted to raise the baby and all the stuff we wanted to do. It made me happy to see how happy Brennon was just talking about the baby. We were still talking when someone knocked on the door and in came Mama,Brennons dad Anthony, Charity, Malena, Zae, Leah, Camila, Stormi, Elijah, Braxton & my dad & his girlfriend.

I was surprised they all came this early and had balloons and baby gifts. They all just said that they wanted to be here and see us before the baby comes. Most of them went out into the waiting room and the girls took turns keeping me company. Mama stayed in the whole time though. I wanted her too since she was basically my mother. I wanted both her Brennon by my side once the baby comes out.

I was five hours in and I was still contracting my contractions got closer and closer. I was starting to regret even having sex and I cursed myself for going through with this. I planned on not even having anymore kids I was good on being one and done.

The nurse finally came in and said I was fully dilated and I was ready to push now. I had Mama, Brennon & Charity in the room I asked Leah but she said no. She said she was too scared to come in but I knew she was lying. I could always tell when she was but I wasn't going to press the issue anymore.

Stormi was actually out of town on family business so I was okay with Charity being in with me. I was just as close to her as I was to Leah and Stormi. Charity and I were closer than Malena and I too.

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