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Brennon's POV-

The ride home with Nalani was quiet as fuck I couldn't tell if she was hurt, pissed or both. I didn't know what to say what do you say to the girl you love when you've fucked her over so many times.

If anything I wanted to work on us I don't want her to leave but she can't be that mad. Maybe mad because I didn't tell her but I got Evoni pregnant when Nala & I was in our cheating phase.

So I feel as though she can only be mad at me about not telling her about my son. I've been wanting to tell her trust me but I didn't want her to find out this way. But atleast now the bandaid has been ripped off and there are no more secrets in our relationship.

When we got home Nalani wasted no time getting out the car and going in the house. What scared me the most was she was completely calm about everything. The Nalani I know will tell you about yourself right then and there but this time nothing.

I waited in the car for about five minutes before walking into the house I knew all hell was going to break loose. I walked in looking for Nalani she placed my food on the counter and went upstairs.

This time she wasn't in our room she was in the guest room. On the phone I could slightly hear her talking but these weren't thin walls. That's when I heard her start to cry and I immediately felt like shit.

I swore to her this time would be different but look at me already making her fucking cry. This time I really thought about how this could be the breaking point of our relationship I need to stop fucking up.

"I don't even know Mama" I heard her cry

That's when I knew she was talking to my mom & id probably be getting a phone call soon. I had already told my mom that I told Nalani about my son.

I went downstairs and grabbed my food and went back into our bedroom. I knew I'd be sleeping alone tonight. I was still waiting for my mom to call me and yell at me.

After about a hour of waiting my mom finally called me :

"Brennon Manuel Flores"  my mother said using my government which agitated me

"Yes ma" I said sighing

"Don't you huff and puff at me, I should beat your ass. You cried to me all them months this girl was gone about how bad you wanted another chance. Even how you would do better by her but look at you now doing the same shit that made her leave"

"Ma, I was going to tell her I just wanted to wait longer cause I didn't know how to but you know how Evoni is—"

"Petty as fuck" my mom said interrupting me

"Ma" I said trying to reason with her

"What it's true if you would've kept your shit in your pants you wouldn't have ended up with one of the worlds worse baby mamas .. you'd be working your relationship out with Nalani and raising y'all baby together now am I right or am I right" she said

"You're right ma" I said agreeing with her I didn't want to but my mom had made a point an honest one at that.

If I wasn't cheating on Nala in the beginning of our relationship and doing dirt. She wouldn't have been out doing the same and she would've been able to carry the baby and we could've worked on us. Now that I think about it I'm to blame.

Nala's POV-

I can't be mad about the baby I did my own dirt, I'm the reason we lost ours. I'm just mad he kept it from me like he could've told me so I didn't have to stand there looking dumb. I knew things were also going to be complicated because of Evoni's personality.

It was like she couldn't wait to let her title be known and those are the type of females I can't stand. That shit kinda hit home to me since I lost my baby not too long ago. So for her to be like that is annoying.

The next morning I woke up in the guest room my eyes were a little puffy and my body was sore. The house was completely quiet so I was guessing that Brennon was still asleep. We hadn't talked yet and I didn't plan on doing that today I wanted to let things sink in. So I got dressed quietly and decided to leave.

I took off in my car and headed to my fathers house if anything I just wanted to be around my brothers. It took me 25 minutes to get home and when I did I smelled breakfast. Which meant Janae was in the kitchen whipping it up. She was actually a pretty good cook she used to be a chef over at the five star restaurant across town.

"Goodmorning" I said rushing into the living room where three of the most important men of my life sat. My dad and brothers were all sitting on the same couch so I laid out on all of them.

"Hey baby, I'm surprised you're up this early" my dad said kissing me on my cheek

"Yeah well I was bored" I said sitting on Braxton's lap. The boys were in the living room watching football and Janae was still cooking.

I went in the kitchen and talked with her for a bit she was like another home girl to me. I wouldn't say a mother figure cause that's what Mama is starting to be to me. We talked about almost everything until the food was done cooking. Janae is the real mvp because even though I didn't tell anyone I was coming there was still enough food for me and seconds we all sat down at the table after making our plates.

"So Nala wheres Brennon?" Braxton asked

"At home sleep, I didn't wanna wake him up" I said trying to hide our current situation

"Awh I was tryna get at him I need to ask him something" he said sounding disappointed

"Just call him later today" I said

"Bet" he said

The rest of breakfast we just sat and talked about everything. After we all ate we ended up falling back asleep. I was knocked out in my old bed until my phone started going off I hit the snooze like 5 times.

I eventually woke up and realized it was now 3 pm and I had plans with my cousin Layleni she wanted to go shopping. It took me 20 minutes to get to the mall and meet up with her.

Layleni was cool she's my older cousin, she's obviously gotta nice body she bought it. She's 26 years old and is my aunt Doris and uncle Shawn's daughter.

Layleni decided not to go to school so she's actually a stripper but she has money. My aunt and uncle hate it but Layleni pays her own bills has her own condo and drives a BMW. So she's not living too bad and she definitely doesn't need a man.

We ended up shopping for like three hours then getting dinner. We also caught a movie then went separate ways. I was tired and my bed was calling my name. My body started getting sore and I needed nothing more than a massage.

I was hoping to go home to an empty house I wanted atleast one day to get my thoughts together before talking to Brennon I wanted to make sure I knew what to say and the right way to say it.

I wasn't ignoring him I just needed space and time away from him. Don't get me wrong I love him but after so long of being together you get tired of the lies, games, cheating and arguing.

I'm honestly an easy person to talk to he's had so many chances where he could've told me but he decided not to.

I got in my car and put my music library on shuffle and regretted immediately of course my music decides to be petty. Burn by usher played throughout my car. I pulled out the mall parking lot and headed towards the highway. I pulled up to the stop light and that's when everything went black.


I heard tires screeching before completely passing out it felt like almost every ounce of energy left my body before my body went limp.

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