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Elijah's Pov -

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Elijah's Pov -

2 weeks ago

Two days ago I was with Evoni making her get the dna test to find out if my sisters boyfriend was the father of her child. At first I didn't question her but once I heard about her and her past I decided against it. I didn't need her pinning a baby on Brennon and Nala if it wasn't his baby.

I had finally built up the courage to call my little sister so we could finally talk.

"Hello?" Nalani groggily said through the phone

"Can you come up to the hospital right now?"


"I got something to share with you"

"Alright I'll be there in a hour"

The whole hour I took to wait for Nala felt like the longest but once I finally saw her walk through the door. You could see the confusion in her face.

"Elijah what the fuck? You said you killed her!!"

"Nalani, I want you to read this paper and read it out loud for all three of us to hear!!"

"Okay fine!!" She said snatching the paper out my hand

"Brennon Flores ... 99.9% not the father!!" She said as she jumped in excitement

"Then who's the father?" Nala asked

"Please don't tell Brennon but since it's not his and your brother spared me I might as well just tell you it's his bestfriends baby instead"

Nalani and I shook our heads but it was none of our business. Nala started walking out so I followed behind her.

"Where you going?"

"Home I wanna show this to Brennon"

"Okay, give me a hug ... I love you Nalani"

"I love you too"

"I love you too"

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Miliani's Pov -

I was sitting at the table with my family I just started getting acquainted with my dad and brothers. Sadly I can't say the same about my little sister Nalani. She wanted nothing to do with me, I tried to reach out.

I planned to go by her house later with my dad and brothers since she invited Elijah and and Braxton over. I figured I'd have to get in as much as I could, my dad said give her time but I don't want to.

She needs to know why I wasn't in her life and why our dad never talked about me. She needs to build a connection with me because I want to know my family. Especially since I know she's having a baby now I want my nephew or niece to have me in their life and for me to be a cool aunt.

"So what time are we going to Nalani's?" Dad asked Elijah and Braxton

"It's supposed to be at 7:30 it's 6:56 we can head over now she's probably home again"

"Alright let's go"

We all got up and headed over to her house. I could feel my anxiety building up. I just wanted her to like me even if I had to force myself in.

Nalani's Pov -

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Nalani's Pov -

I was in my kitchen eating chicken spaghetti with Brennon when our doorbell went off. I got up and answered the door but before I did I checked the security camera. Brennon was always yelling at me to make sure I was aware of everything.

I'm unable to fight off anyone if anyone crazy was at my door. My face was getting chubbier by the day along with my belly. I had now gained a total of 43 lbs my baby was making space for its little self.

I internally rolled my eyes once I saw my father and Miliani. I didn't want to talk to either of them yet, even though it's been 2 weeks. I was already going through shit with Brennon behind closed doors.

He was already pissed about the paternity test and his best friend being Evoni's baby's dad. I didn't need to deal with my dad and Miliani's shit.

I opened the door and greeted my brothers and let my dad and Miliani walk in without acknowledging them. My brothers dapped up Brennon and started making their own plates. They loved when I made chicken spaghetti and always over ate when I did.

"Don't start eating up all my food now!! I'm the pregnant one not you two!!" I said laughing

"My fault .. you know I just love when you make chicken spaghetti this shits so good!!" Braxton said stuffing his face

"Yeah mhm just save some for the babies!!" Brennon said pointing at me

"Anyways we asked you to come over because we wanted to hangout with you guys. I miss you and feel like I haven't seen y'all"

"You right we've just been busy"

The rest of the night we just hung out until I started getting sleepy. I ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie I was exhausted as usual. Even though it was only 11 at night I was always sleep by midnight. That didn't stop my brothers from staying though. They still stayed at my house and ended up staying over for the night cause they were too tired.

When I woke up in the morning the first thing I did was go downstairs. Half the time I woke up I wasn't done sleeping but my baby was hungry so I'd usually be up at like 6am. I went to my kitchen and grabbed the first thing that sounded appetizing which was pizza rolls. I grabbed half the bag and put them in the oven and grabbed some chips as I waited.

I didn't know I was being loud until Braxton  came out of one of our guest rooms. He grabbed a blanket off the couch and came and sat down next to me.

"Morning mama!!" He said energetically

"Morning .. even though I'm going back to sleep I'm just hungry and this baby won't stop kicking my insides till I eat!!" I said eating my chips

"Okay well ima go back to sleep then.. go get some rest after you eat ... I love you"

"I love you too Brax"

I said my temporary goodbyes to my brother and went upstairs once my pizza rolls were done. I ate them in my bed cause it was cold downstairs.

Brennon wrapped his arm around me as I ate my food and watched Netflix. I know I was being loud and making him irritated by the tv but I didn't care. He didn't have to deal with everything I had to during this pregnancy. I stayed up for about another hour the went back to sleep and cuddled up with Brennon.

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