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Brennon's Pov-

After talking to my dad and Nalani's dad they had came over to the hospital to talk about the cartel. They wanted me to go on a ten day trip with them to California and help them take over some territory.

At that moment I decided to finally tell my dad about me trying to leave the cartel but all that did was piss him off. He didn't want me to try and retire but I was fine with it. I was already sitting on some big ass numbers and my girl and kid would be set for life.

My dad hasn't been talking to me since last week but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was make Nalani and my kid my priority. We were in the hospital for three more days after because they were monitoring her blood pressure. She's been fine now and we've just been chilling in the house.

We've been laid up and just taking care of our mental health for once. We both have shut the world and decided to enjoy our last two weeks of just us. In two weeks our baby will be here and we're more than excited. I can't believe I'm really about to be someone's dad. Like ima have a whole person I'm responsible for and I honestly can't wait anymore.

I just keep praying to god that my girl and kid are safe during delivery. The doctors have been monitoring Nalani closely and making sure she's okay. Tomorrow we have our first appointment with the doctor that we chose to deliver the baby.

Nala decided she didn't want to have an epidural because it would slow down the birthing process. She was also going to be induced in two weeks and we were hoping for a fast process. This pregnancy was crazy but we got through it together and with our family.

Nala was very very specific on certain things throughout her pregnancy like the things she ate and would do. She read baby books like crazy and read a lot about what could take a toll on her pregnancy.

Since we lost the last baby the doctors first told her when she got pregnant this time that she couldn't carry full term. Apparently her uterus was messed up when she got beat up but she fully healed.

I know God don't wanna mess with someone like me but I'm just glad he gave us a second chance. I didn't expect us to have another baby this soon but the way we have sex it was obviously going to happen.

Nalani's Pov -

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Nalani's Pov -

Brennon & I were laying in bed cuddled up as he rubbed on my stomach. It felt good to be on good terms and not have any bullshit going on. Right now I just wanted to relax at home before my baby comes.

Throughout my pregnancy I felt so much shit and one of the main things was stress. I'm just hoping for my baby's sake that it didn't take a toll on my baby. I wanted Brennon and I to be better parents than my parents. He wanted the same he sometimes couldn't stand his dad. If anything his mom was his favorite parent but that's just cause she's amazing.

She's been like a mother to me, hell she is my mom. Ever since I met her I've loved her and she's loved me and don't even get me started on Malena and Charity. They're like the big sisters I've never had even though now I have my own. I still don't know how to feel about her.

If I'm being honest I'm just more tired of being caught of guard by everything. It would've been different if my dad had said something to me about her before bringing her around but no. I got caught off guard again like every single time I find something out.

I think I will wait until after my pregnancy because these hormones still have me raging. To talk to her and make amends and try to build a relationship. I'd honestly rather not and just stick with the family I have but it looks like she's sticking around.

I haven't been to my dads house since the funeral when I found out about her. I've been avoiding my brothers as well they've been trying to have me talk to Miliani but I'm not ready yet. I just wanted to spend the next two weeks chilling.

Leah's Pov -

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Leah's Pov -

I was just getting out of my doctors appointment I had been going to my OBGYN like crazy. Something was wrong with me I didn't feel like my normal self. I knew I wasn't pregnant it was just something weird.

My doctor had tested me and wanted me to come back in a review my test results. When I walked in they're were a bunch of ladies with their babies who were coming for their check ups.

It took them thirty minutes to call me back and 15 minutes for my doctor to come in a discuss my results.  After talking about all my options with my doctor we came up with a game plan.

After I left the doctors office I called the last person I wanted to. Once I found out who my once sneaky link was I cut him off. I felt some type of way because he was close to my best friend & her man.

I had been messing with this guy Antonio now and he was cool. He was older than me and he was cute, tall, light skin and had money. Yes he had three kids, three baby mamas & sold drugs but he paid my bills.

"Hello?" I finally heard his voice come through the speakers of my brand new Lexus that Antonio bought.

"Why are you calling me? I thought we ended this shit"

"I need to speak with you in person"

"About what? You can't just talk to me over the phone .. I really gotta come see you?"

"Look just meet me at the mall tomorrow at 2:45 by the footlocker"

"Okay fine"

After that I hung up the phone and headed back to Antonio's place. I was no longer living at home with my parents. They didn't approve of Antonio but I didn't care I was grown. They claimed that he was the devil and I shouldn't be messing around with him. But that's what everyone said I didn't care though. I was better taken care of then what my parents did. Don't get me wrong I love my parents and I know that they did all they could to raise us. I'm just tired of living that broke lifestyle.

Antonio is putting me through school and helping me build my credit. He's taught me so much in just the little time we've been together. He's not perfect but he's trying and that's all that matters to me.

Short chapter I know but this is just a filler chapter and a short update on some of the characters.

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