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Nalani's Pov -

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Nalani's Pov -

I've been home for a week now with Luana and things were still hectic. I was trying to get use to being someone's mom and being available 24/7 when it came to her needs. Brennon was the biggest help ever too, he did everything he could.

Especially when it came to me trying to sleep he would stay up hours on hours just so I could sleep. I swear once I had her he became so soft and he was loving every second of fatherhood.

When I would wake up in between my naps I would catch him talking to her. Seeing the two of them made my heart melt to know that he was like that with his baby. His mom stopped by often too to help us and so that we could sleep.

Today she was coming over to help clean up the house and watch the baby. She kept yelling at us because we weren't completely taking care of ourselves. In our eyes though we were just adjusting to our new addition. My family and his family were always calling to come over and see Luana.

As much as I loved how they were excited to see her I only let a select few come over. I didn't want everyone coming over and trying to kiss up on my baby. Babies have the weakest immune system when they're first born and they have a high chance of catching something.

I didn't know where everyone's mouth had been but I did know it wasn't going nowhere near my baby. Really only the same people who were there during my pregnancy were coming over. Which was Stormi, Leah, Camila, my brothers, Charity, Malena and mama. No one else really could come over yet.

I was busy putting the baby's bottle in the milk warmer while I tried to find something to eat. We no longer had a maid because Brennon fired her when she did a no call no show. Now I was just wanting a maid back again because everything was a mess. If you knew me you'd know that I hate a trashy house and that's how our house was starting to look.

Brennon had the baby so I decided to take some time to clean up the kitchen and our bedroom. Those were the two messiest rooms in the house. I cleaned up all the dishes, mopped and swept the floor along with cleaning out the fridge. Then I went in our room and started the laundry and tided up a bit.

When I walked back out to the baby's nursery where Brennon and Luana were my heart started to melt. They're literally two peas in a pod and I loved it. I didn't think that Brennon would be such a good father. He was going above and beyond for his baby girl and making sure he could do all he could to comfort me.

I decided to wait until he put her down to go back to sleep to talk to him since she was still eating. She looked so at peace and I didn't want to mess with her. We started early but we wanted to make sure that she would sleep in her own room and bed.

We didn't want to be the type of parents to coddle her and never let her see the real world. That would only hurt her later down the road and give her anxiety and developmental issues. She would always think that she needed mommy and daddy to do something.

We didn't want her to be that way we wanted her to be her own person and be independent. We were just trying to go about things the right way and not be overbearing at the same time. I was just happy that Brennon and I could agree on the way we wanted to parent our baby girl.

Brennon finally came back to our room and we talked and both agreed on getting a maid. It would be prefect for right now and he said I could start looking now. I planned on having the possible maids interview at Starbucks and seeing which one I liked best. I wanted someone who was flexible and kid friendly.

Also probably animal friendly too because we thought about getting Luana a dog. We wanted her to have someone to grow with so we were looking for the best dog to raise our baby with.

We both ended up falling back asleep and cuddling in the bed because were both so tired still. We actually got to sleep for a hour and 45 minutes until mama came to the door. She let herself in and come upstairs and went straight to see her grand baby.

I heard her but Brennon didn't he was completely passed out while he laid across my chest.

Leah's Pov -

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Leah's Pov -

I woke up this morning feeling sore all over my body from last nights events. Elijah and I went rounds last night because he had planned on going out of town and a ten day trip with his dad. He said something about going to Cali with Brennon's dad Anthony and his dad on some business.

I already knew what was up though because Nala told me once her dad had tried to get Brennon to come to. She was telling me all about how he was trying to get out of the cartel but his dad didn't want him too. I was feeling jealous because I wanted Elijah out the cartel too but he was just getting started. It seemed everything was falling apart for Elijah and I. I was just happy that things were coming together for my best friend and her family.

Today I actually wanted to go over to her house and see her and the baby. I was absolutely in love with little miss Luana. She's such a sweetheart and she's a calm baby for only being a week old. Seeing her sometimes made me think about what if I kept mine.

At first it was hard seeing my best friend with a baby but then I realized I wasn't ready. Nala was she has more than enough support and money to do so. She won't ever have to work a day in her life and she never has. She's never had any type of job but that's because of who her father was.

I hope I don't sound like a hater by saying that because I don't care about that all. I rarely had to work either my parents just had me do chores around the house to make money. I didn't get things handed to me until I was dating Elijah.

I honestly don't have the heart to ever get another abortion again in my life. So I was hoping the next time I do end up pregnant that Elijah would have his shit together.

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