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Once I got my brothers, dad and Brennon all at the house I made them sit down at the table and listen. I loudly played the voicemail that Layleni left on my phone. As I heard it play I felt my blood boiling and the betrayal made me sick to my stomach. My own cousin would say and do the things she did to me. All for what? It just didn't make any sense to me at all.

Once I played the voicemail the look on all their faces didn't surprise me. My dad even replayed the voicemail back as he shook his head in disbelief.
After a couple minutes of standing there angrily my dad walked out along with my brothers. No one really said anything and Brennon was pissed off.

Brennon walked off to his office as I followed him still not being acknowledged.

"Brennon" I said waiting and hoping for a reply

"Nalani not right now..."

"Are you gonna even say something?"

"I'm gonna handle it ... now go upstairs or something get out the way please .. I need some time and space to think .."

"Fine" I said walking off with an attitude I ignored him calling me to come back into the office.

I walked up to the room and just chilled in my bed watching old episodes of That's So Raven. I ended up taking a small 45 minute nap before I got up to go get a snack. No one was home except me and I was taking advantage of it.

I went and got some snacks out the fridge and called my cousin Stormi telling her to come over. She was one of my favorite cousins that I recently reconnected with. Growing up we were inseparable until she moved away. She just moved back into town and has been texting me.

When Stormi got to my house we sat in the bed and talked and caught up as usual. I even had played her the voicemail that Layleni left on my phone. We talked about it and she came up with a plan.

That was one thing about Stormi once she made up her mind she stuck to it.  She was big on loyalty and trust so when it came to someone she loved or herself being crossed she didn't take it lightly.

Blood or not once you cross over you can't come back. Stormi had me replay the voicemail so she could hear it one more time.

"That's what she gets anyways Lay I know she's your family and all she just getting in the way of me getting Brennon back.. the bitch was already supposed to be out the way once I started fucking with him .. he's gonna be there for this baby shit all the trouble I went through to get his sperm ... we shot at her and that didn't work so what are we gonna do now?  ..... I don't know Evoni I'm scared I don't wanna hurt my cousin Nalani's already been through enough.. Layleni are serious like you wasn't saying that when you was complaining about her always going back to him—"

The message ended and Stormi shook her head still in disbelief about the situation.

"Like what the fuck Nala .. but you know what it makes sense about her calling you to hangout at the mall that night .. cause when does she ever call any of us or try to hangout with family ever since she joined the dark side ... she's weird anyways she'll most likely do anything for money even tho she ain't poor the bitch always been money hungry and doesn't care who she fucks over in the process.. but I got something for the both of them just watch I got you Nala and I got you forever you my blood"

"Storm calm down I'm not tripping about it I know karma gonna get them and my brothers.. they're not gonna let this go, family or not she crossed a line"

"Nala but you gotta stop being so naive this bitch tried to end your life and she's your own family .. the same girl who used to stay at your house years ago in your bed eating the food y'all dad paid for and depending on y'all cause mommy and daddy kicked her out from time to time.. the bitch is tripping and this Evoni bitch don't even get me started"

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