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Nala's POV -

Today felt like just another random day, I wanted nothing more than to just lay in my big California king sized bed. I've felt at peace for a couple days now, I've recently moved in with Brennon. He told me that Lucas and his little side kick Alayzia wouldn't be coming back. So I felt safe and secure but that didn't mean I didn't have around the clock security unless I was with Brennon. Which was so annoying sometimes to go out in public. But I'd rather be safe than sorry.

It still bothered me sometimes that I lost my precious little baby all out of jealousy. If I could take back all the bitter bullshit I did just in return for my baby. I'd do it in a heartbeat, I wasn't sure if I should be with Brennon but I want us to work out. Maybe get back to where we were when we first got together.

I got out of my oversized bed and looked out the window. I admired the new house I lived in, I loved it don't get me wrong but I miss living with my family. Once my dad seen how much Brennon went through to make sure I was safe he basically kicked me out just to live with Brennon.

I still saw my family and friends I guess I was just feeling a little homesick. I felt like I needed to make this place feel more like a home instead of another possession. I didn't like many things about the house it didn't have a homey feeling and I hated it. 

I decided to go get a quick shower and throw on some clothes. Nothing fancy just a PINK T-shirt and a pair of leggings and fuzzy socks. It was getting cold outside and I wanted nothing more than to stay at home.

I walked downstairs as the smell of Pancakes and bacon smacked me in the face. Brennon was nowhere to be found until I walked into his downstairs office. There he was sitting on the phone talking "business" I walked over to him and sat on his lap.

After talking for two more minutes he finally hung up. Kissing me on my cheek "goodmorning" he could immediately tell I was bothered by the look on my face.  That's when the instant grilling started.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a serious look on his face ever since I was kidnapped he's stayed on my ass and has always made sure I was okay. Don't get me wrong I appreciated it but sometimes it was annoying. Like everyone has their off days and they're allowed to.

" I wanna redecorate the house it's so boring here and it doesn't feel like home. Plus I have nothing to do " I said sounding upset

"Then do that baby, it's your house I'm just living in it" he said jokingly

"Annoying" I said rolling my eyes

"But for real , maybe we should get you back into school and working maybe I don't know.. I want you to do great things I know your capable of .."

"I don't even feel like going to school, I feel like I have too much going on emotionally to even be worried about school. I lost my baby, I was kidnapped, I was beat, I had to stay in the hospital.. like it's just so much shit I'm still tryna deal with"

"That's fine it's no pressure trust me, I just hate to see you down like this & it's okay we will someday have another baby"

"It doesn't matter though if I wasn't stupid we wouldn't have lost our baby it's all my fault, maybe we're better off without kids" I said feeling tears form in my eyes

"Nala baby, it's okay you're not responsible for it, yeah you did do some dumb shit I'm not going to lie to you but it's not like you kidnapped and beat yourself"

"But it's because of all that dumb shit I did now I'm paying for it" I cried out

"Let me ask you this? , did you tell that man it was his baby?"

"Yes because at first I thought it was his, but then I did the math and figured out it was yours" I said in sounding like my voice was going to crack

"So did you ever plan on telling me?"

"Of course I did, I just didn't know when to .. we were on bad terms and I didn't wanna tell you because I was with Lucas and I thought I was in love and that he loved me back .. if I was going to have a baby I wanted my baby to have a stable family and a loving home.. and I figured you didn't want that?"

"You figured? Nala that was my kid you already know I would've took care of it, and I would've made things work out between us just because of the baby .. I don't wanna hear that excuse shit you're starting to make me mad"

I could see how irritated he started to become so I decided to just let everything go. Sometimes I wish we could talk without about something important to me like this without me being scared of causing a fight.

I decided to pick myself back up and wipe my tears because that's the only way to go. I'm not sure about Brennon and I, I know he says he loves me but I don't know if it's just lust. I keep thinking of how he treated me before and I'm wondering how things will play out.

I got up deciding I didn't want to talk about this anymore. That's when Brennon pulled me back and out of my thoughts. I honestly wasn't even paying attention to what he said. I just wanted to go back to bed and depressed wasn't even the word for it.

I hopped back into bed on my side of the bed, wishing Leah was here to comfort me but she went on vacation. She went with her grandparents and my brother, they invited me but I'm of course under the weather. All I know is that I need to get out of this funk someway somehow.

I turned the tv on and there wasn't anything on cable like usual so I turned on Hulu. I was always on Hulu watching tv I had a choice between Law & Order SVU or The Bernie Mac Show. I chose The Bernie Mac Show so that I could pay semi attention to the tv. Whenever I watched SVU I had to give it my full attention.

I opened Wattpad and decided I would re read one of my favorite books. 'Turned Out' I always re read that and part two. I spend a lot of time either on Wattpad or Twitter and today I didn't feel like being social. So I just laid in bed watching tv and reading.

Brennon's POV  -

I wanted so bad to forgive Nala but I just couldn't, I never told her how much I thought half of the situation was her fault. Simply for the fact cause I knew she was going through so much shit. I'm pretty sure though she wouldn't have aborted my baby or did some dumb shit to kill it. I mean why would she?

She has more than enough support, she has her brothers, Leah, sometimes Cami I don't know about their relationship. She's got my family & she's got me, as far as I was concerned she had everything.

It just makes my blood boil because I had a lot of time to think about it. Maybe if I didn't treat Nala like shit before she wouldn't have ran into another mans arms. But then again my temper may be something that I need to work on. She just gets me so mad and sometimes I feel like she deserves it at first.

I wanted her to start getting out the house and to meet new people. My moms was having a cookout this weekend and I thought about bringing Nala. I've never brought a girl home let alone let my family even know I'm with someone.

But I feel like it's time, Nala meant a lot to me and I want her to start hanging out with my female cousins and family members. Maybe even start hanging out with my mom as well cause I know she wonders about who I'm around. Especially since Nala lives with me now and my mom likes to do random pop ups.

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