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Nala's POV-

I was laying in bed looking a complete total mess until I heard my phone ring. I had no intentions on answering it, I didn't feel like talking. Not saying I'm in a bad mood I just don't have the energy to talk like I'd just rather not until further notice. But then I realized I'd answer after it ringing for the third time.

When I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID it was Brennon. It was only 10 in the morning and he kept calling me, I know that's late to some people. But I'm not a morning person at all I could stay in bed till noon.

"Yes Brennon?"

"That's how we answer the phone Nalani?"

"What do you need I'm busy"

"Busy doing what?"

"Laying down Brennon"

"Then you're not busy.. I want you to get up and get dressed I have someone I want you to meet..."

"Who is it?"

"You'll see when I get there.."

"Fine , but that's if I'm still even here"

"Keep playing with me Nala and get hurt"

"I already hurt" I said trying to sound nonchalant

"Okay emo ass" he said laughing

I laughed as well we talked for a couple more minutes and then we hung up. I was starting to get anxious because I don't know who's coming over.

I got out of bed and hopped in the shower, I scrubbed my body all over. It felt so good the hot water and the pressure on my back, I stood in the shower just letting the water flow all over me.

I had my hair pinned up in a bonnet, I had just gotten it done a couple days ago. I let my cousin practice doing a silk press on my hair and she did such a good job.

I was in a daze just zoned out until someone came and pulled the shower door open. I quickly turned around freaking out..

"Damn Brennon stop playing with me"

"Hurry up and get dressed"

"Okay damn" I said getting out the shower and stepping into my robe. I then proceeded to go into my walk in closet and grab a cute but simple outfit.

I then put on some flip flops and walked out to the room to see Brennon lying down in bed watching tv. I walked over to the bed and sat beside him "is someone downstairs?" I asked anxiously

"They will be in 5 minutes come on" he said

We walked downstairs and I went into the kitchen where the maid Loren was whipping up breakfast. When I first moved in I was still sore and barely got out of bed so Brennon made sure of Loren waiting on me hand and foot. She's lowkey homegirl though.

I was eating my breakfast at the kitchen bar when the doorbell rung. That's when I remembered someone was coming over I was so caught up in my food I forgot. That's when anxiety ran all through my body making me yet again nervous.

Brennon opened the door and there stood a woman about 5'5 or 5'6 with long beautiful brown hair. She had hazel eyes which made her even more beautiful. She had a nice figure as well but she was older I would guess but I can't really say I'm sure of it.

They both walked over to me as they greeted each other and Brennon kissed her on the cheek. That's when it registered to me that she had to be his mother. She immediately greeted me...

"Oh you must be Miss Nala that my son has taken forever to introduce me to"

"Hi and I'm sorry that's all his fault"

"Yes it is, my names Marilyn, either call me Mary, Marilyn or mama.. any three are fine with me"

"Okay" I quietly said

Brennon walked away from us which gave us time to talk.

"So are you from around here?"

"Yes born and raised and you?"

"Well I'm from Brooklyn but when I met Brennon's father I moved here and we started a family"

"Oh Brennon never told me"

"Yeah we moved in here in what? 88 and I popped out all my kids.. I was a stay at home mother until they got older I went to school for nursing now I have my LPN"

"Oh that's nice, I want to go back to school but I just need more time to get myself together I went through somethings the past month"

"Oh yes honey I'm sorry about the baby.."

"It's okay, how many kids do you have?"

"I have 4 children Brennon, Isaiah, Malena & Charity .. 2 boys 2 girls"

"Oh that's nice Brennon's never really told me about his family he's always a mystery"

"Trust me I know, I almost had to beat it out of him to even know your name.. I could tell he was having problems with a female just by his actions"

"What do you mean?"

"A mother knows her child.. I could tell the way that boy was so upset when you left him is because he loves you and trust me I know this"

"Wow I didn't realize"

"It's okay honey that boy has a problem sometimes showing people he loves them"

"I think all men do" I said laughing which ended up both of us laughing in unison

Which is when Brennon walked back in "what's so funny?" He questioned both of us as he approached me. He put his arm around my waist and stood behind me as he listened to our conversation.

"So y'all can't speak now?" Brennon questioned as we both changed the subject

The rest of the day was cool we ended up eating breakfast and hanging out. It was a actually nice finally meeting his mom, we exchanged phone numbers and she told me to call whenever.


Tonight Brennon & I we're going to dinner with my dad and his new girlfriend Janae. We decided to meet at some restaurant and bar lounge. It was fancy so I wore a red dress with black YSL heels that Brennon got me.

When I moved in Brennon made sure I didn't lift a finger he got me a whole new wardrobe.  I had a bunch of designer clothes now not saying I didn't dress nice before but my style changed. A bit I found myself wearing heels more lately and bodycon style dresses.

I loved my figure more than ever I lost the weight from my pregnancy and my body snapped right back. I wore Chanel No. 5 all over my body, I was honestly so happy about the way I looked.

Brennon and I left the house with 20 minutes to spare. The man looked so fine he always knew how to dress and that made him so much more attractive.

Dinner was nice my dad and Janae entertained us for about two hours we just sat, ate, drank and talked. It was so nice to finally feel free again and be out. I hated being all cooped up in the house. This was one of the best ways to take my mind off of everything.

I also don't wanna seem dramatic about the whole situation but it's a lot to take in especially all at once. But I'm not sure if everyone would understand so I've been trying to keep my thoughts to myself cause I don't  want to vent to anyone besides my man.

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