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Nala's POV-

I woke up gasping for air like crazy I felt like a fish out of water. I was trying everything to breathe but I just couldn't. I could see bright lights flashing in my face and faint voices yelling at me and telling me to breathe and stay awake.

I was in and out of it, completely confused on what was going on. It felt like everything was moving around me except me and I couldn't do anything. It was like sleep paralysis except I was in a nightmare.

I wasn't even in pain I was in shock after a few minutes I realized what happened. I had been shot at I don't know if the bullets were meant for me but one hit. I kept wincing at the sharp pain on my left side that made me feel like I was better off not moving.

I laid in my hospital bed drifting off to sleep for the hundredth time. I was completely passed out when my family arrived I was waking up to the sound of my father yelling.


"Dad calm down, we're gonna find out who did it and in the mean time find out why the fuck no one was with her. I thought Brennon organized for someone to be with at all times that she isn't in the house.. –" Braxton said

"Still she shouldn't have to go every fucking where with someone over her shoulder just to live a safe life .. she's still a kid she's only 18 this shit ain't normal" Elijah added in

That's when Janae walked in " okay guys calm down I've talked to the doctors they said Nala will be okay, the doctor said the bullet just missed her lungs. Now with the position of the bullet the surgery was difficult." She said trying to ease the pain a little.

"Can y'all stop yelling my head hurts" I said shocking them that I was up already. As they all rushed to be beside my bed making sure I was emotionally and mentally okay. I obviously wasn't physically. 

"Nala baby, are you okay?" My dad said

"Yes dad, I'm just a little sore" I said reassuring him but yet still trying to reassure myself.

"Nala what happen?" Braxton asked showing how concerned he was

I explained how I was leaving the mall from hanging out with Layleni and then all of sudden my car got shot up. I don't know who it was because it was out of nowhere I wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings.

I felt dumb for not being aware but it was something unexpected it's not like I knew I had people still after me. Brennon told me he took care of Lucas and his sidekick so I shouldn't be worried. But here I am again laying in a hospital bed for the second time.

"Where's Brennon?" I asked sadly .. out of all people I would've atleast expected him to be here when I woke up.

"He's on his way I called him about an hour ago" Elijah said calming my nerves slightly

"He should've been here.. where the fuck was this nigga at? This that shit I be talking about you should've never left the house.." Braxton said

"Brax chill" I said placing my hand on his arm "I'm okay" I said trying to calm him down. But I mean I really am okay because it could've been worse I've just been trying to look at the positive side of this.

"Nalani you are not okay, you're laying up in a hospital for the second fucking time in the last year.. first you get fucking kidnapped and beaten and lose your fucking baby over some dumb ass nigga and clown ass bitch.. then you get shot this shit just don't sit right with me man ever since this nigga came in to your life... you don't see it either you too fucking inlove with dude to realize all this shit might be happening because of him.."

"Braxton I put myself in the last situation" I said trying to reason with him but it was also true, if I had never fucked with him I'd still have my baby.. my baby would've been a month almost two months old right now..

"But Nala if this nigga was taking care of his shit like he was supposed to and being faithful you wouldn't have ran into another mans arms but you did.. you not seeing shit from my point of view.. man I just want you to be safe .. & then look man soon as I got the call you were here I dropped everything but where is this nigga now?" 'on his way' Braxton said with air quotes.

"Braxton please"

"Braxton please nothing you know I'm telling the truth and now you're getting mad.. I just want you to be fucking safe man you're my only little sister .. fuck you're my only sister.. what I look like loosing you over a weak ass nigga who can't get his shit straight.. if you were my girlfriend you wouldn't been gone through none of this and you know I'm right"

"Okay okay, enough let her rest bro right now obviously it isn't the time for this conversation right now and Brennon is on his way up" Elijah said

"This nigga .. man" Braxton said

"Braxton please stop" I whined

I was in no way in the mood to listen to them all argue. I didn't feel like hearing it, my body was sore as ever and I just decided to try and smile through the pain. A couple minutes later Brennon came walking through the door looking stressed.

He looked like he hadn't been to sleep in days and he just looked rough all around. In my head I said not my Brennon which made me feel a little concerned.

Everyone else left the room so that I could talk to him alone. The first minute of us being alone was just being quiet he looked over my body before making a sound.

"Nala man.. what the fuck.. I feel like no matter what I do I can't protect you & this shit hurts me man I'm tired of seeing you in a hospital bed.. I don't know what to do anymore yo" Brennon broke down crying

I motioned for him to come closer he laid down beside me in the hospital bed. I rubbed his head and thought of what words I could tell him to make him feel somewhat better about the current situation.

"Brennon stop it's not your fault, I just have bad luck" I said not knowing what else to say

"Bad luck my ass, atleast one thing was all my fault.. if I would've been on my shit you wouldn't be here.."

"Brennon stop blaming yourself it's not getting us anywhere.. and stop crying I'm okay.. just don't leave me.."

"I'm not leaving you until you out this bed and back at home.. I'm having my mom come stay with us for a bit too.. until you're back on your feet"

"Okay that sounds good enough to me" I said as I cuddled up next to him.

"I haven't been able to sleep without you"

"Well get some now" I said as he closed his eyes

I called my brothers back in the room and told them it was okay for them to go home for a bit. At first they didn't want to but I assured them it was fine. I've been in the hospital for three days and they've been here ever since they got the call.

Soon after I drifted off back to sleep the drugs they had me on were strong. I finally found comfort being around my man and that my dad had someone standing outside my room. This time they swear they're taking more precautions when it comes to me.

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