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I gripped on the bouquet of flowers I'm currently holding as I try to peek in the door

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I gripped on the bouquet of flowers I'm currently holding as I try to peek in the door. I've been coming to the hospital every single day just to be shoved off in the end. But I don't want to give up just yet. I want to cling to that little hope. I still want him back with every bit of me. I..... I just hope he'll listen.

He's going to be discharged tomorrow and I wouldn't be able to take him home for I'll be flying to our North American tour. And it would take atleast two months before I could get back.

I bite my lips holding my breath as I opened the door slowly after securing no one is inside but Taehyung. This is my chance to talk to him. As what the doctor said, in order for him to regain his memories we have to tell and show him little by little what he missed.

Clutching on the flowers I slowly walk beside the bed. He was sleeping peacefully, a rare time where I could look at him without him shouting at me to go away. I'm still hurting but I have to be strong for me to take him back. I'm afraid he won't go to our house as he specifically informed the boys he'll be staying in their dorms.

I carefully set the flowers on the bedside table and watch him closely. Fresh tears start to fall as I tuck the strands of hair away from his face. "I... I miss you," I whispered. My heart has been broken into pieces already and I'm still trying to patch them up yet it's so hard to fight when the person you're fighting for doesn't even give a damn about you. How I wish I insisted him to go home, or that I asked him not to go out of our house, or that I asked him to stay even though he has work to do atleast by then he wasn't involved in an accident causing him to forget me.

It's was already hard when he was still laying in bed sleeping yet I still had to suffer more after he woke up. It's been a never-ending problem that I don't even know where to start. I was lost in my thoughts as I sob silently when I felt a hard grip on my wrist. "Why the fuck are you here? How many times do I have to tell you I don't know you personally and I don't have anything to do with you?! Are you crazy? Or you're just dumb enough to understand a simple sentence!! Get the fuck away from here or I'll call the police! You're intruding my space and my peace!! " he snapped shouting right at my face as he grits his teeth. Veins pooping and he surely is mad. I stood there agape not knowing what to react for he's been clutching at my wrist so hard that it's too painful plus the fact that he's shouting angrily right at my face. We're alone and there's no one to rescue me like normal days.

Instead of saying what I feel, I cried. Pouring my heart out in front of him. I looked at him begging, trying to send what I feel through my eyes but he was too mad to notice. Taehyung never uses violence, it was never his personality but right now, he was different. It's like I never knew him before.

He looks at me with disgust and remorse. "Are you deaf? Or blind perhaps?! I've been telling you over and over that I am engaged and you're creeping me out! Are you a stalker? You're an idol, why are you doing this?! Why do you keep on insisting we're married?! I will never marry a fucking stranger! Get the hell out of here! " he demanded trying to stand up but wince when he felt a pain in his stomach. I tried to run my fingers on it but he brushes it off forcefully making me stumble on the floor.

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