21| The Butterfly Effect

Start from the beginning

"Why is this so sad?" Kenna cried and took out two tissues to blow her nose. She looked at the two of us with her teary eyes, "Guys, we said we'll be strong." She cried while still whimpering.

But you know, there are times when we don't have to hold our pain in. We should cry it out and feel the sadness and pain pour out. Then after that, we should stand strong and not let it weigh us down for too long.

"That's why I don't have a good feeling about your boyfriend." Dylan said after our crying session.

"Who Ace?" I asked and he nodded.

I sighed and looked at Kenna with a look which made her laugh.

"It's been years aren't you over me yet." I said, slyly while tucking my hair behind my ear. Kenna burst out laughing and tapping my arm as she laughed.

Dylan's eyes widened as realization dawned upon him and he sprang up. He waved his hands in the air as he defended himself, "No, th-that's not what I-I was referring to." He stammered while blinking continuously.

We were all just trying to lighten the mood. It's too sad to be sad but sometimes we can't help it.

I chuckled and laughed at his reaction, he's so not over me.

Kenna leaned on me as she wiped away the non-existent tear from her eyes with her index finger, "Then what exactly were you referring to Mr?" She teased.

Dylan huffed and sat back down, "Don't you think it's suspicious how Angus had been zoning out because of the Winston's and after the visit to the company......we had the incident?" He said studying me and Kenna.

My eyes narrowed as I listened to him, "The main messages you've given us with what you know is that the Winston's have something to do with the incident." I said, raising an eyebrow and he nodded.

Kenna tsked beside me, "We blamed ourselves all the time." She said and rubbed my arm, "We thought that if we had paid more attention to him......he wouldn't have died." She uttered.

After some seconds of silence, Dylan said, "I actually never knew that you all thought I died, until about six years ago." He confessed and our eyes widen.

Kenna and I shared a look and said at the same time, "That fucking bitch!"

Dylan exhaled. "Luckily, that woman you call a bitch was actually not my birth mother." He breathed and we both gasped shocked by the new information.

"So you mean you were adopted." We both said softly and he nodded.

"My birth mother came in contact with me last year, and I hated it. She left me since birth and just appeared out of the blue." He snapped and I stared at him with pity and wonder.

"But she's still your mother." Kenna said softly and he chuckled. I saw the tears forming in his eyes and went to hug him. He stiffened for a while before softening and hugging me back.

I was still shocked by all the information Dylan had told us. I'll have to question Ace about eight years ago, I might get some information about why Angus was visiting their company.

"But she must have still loved you and was strong enough to not give up and wait for you to wake up." I pointed out as I released him. I felt him hold my hand tightly before letting me go.

"Yeah." He said, folding his hands over his chest. "That's one thing I'm grateful for."

"How did it feel?" Kenna asked as she leaned forward, curiously "To be in a coma?"

Dylan laughed. "I can't really remember a lot but..." He trailed on and tilted his head, "I remember it feeling hazy and I felt pain....there were times when I felt pain in my head and legs. But I couldn't move or open my eyes." He explained.

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