19| Eight long years

694 60 20



My mouth was agape as I didn't know what to do.

Well isn't this interesting.

They both got up to me at the same time, they seemed to have not noticed each other.

"Hey," Ace said with a broad smile, he was searching my eyes to see if I was still mad at him.

Then he darted his eyes to my other side and saw him, his eyebrows snapped as he saw that Dylan was holding my hand.

"Ace Winston?" Dylan said calmly.

"And you are?"

"Dylan...Dylan Beckett."

"I believe I do not know you, so I'll just leave with my girlfriend," Ace said, he tightened his grip on my hand and was about to leave with me but I didn't move. He turned back hurt and confused.


"I want to go with him," I deadpanned. His eyes slowly went to our hands as I took my hands away and held onto Dylan.

I stared into his eyes which asked a million questions.

"Who is he?" He asked and felt a smile come to my lips as I realized that what happened earlier with Nana was happening again but this time, he was the one whose heart was breaking.

I gave him a lopsided grin, "He's special, he's someone who knows a lot about me and someone I know....a lot about."

"That doesn't make him special, I know you and you know me...a lot."

I let out a sad laugh and my brows knitted, "Do we? Do we Ace?" I smiled a little and walked away with Dylan.

We got to his car and he opened the door for me, I smiled at his gesture and he laughed. I was about to slide into the car when my body moved against my will and turned to glance at Ace.

I was expecting to see him still staring at me but I saw his car moving closer, the headlight of his car was glowing in the calm atmosphere. It was almost blinding but I still stared into the car and when the car was close enough it seemed like time slowed down.

The speed of the car made the wind blow my hair. I was locked in a trance as I watched him drive away, his gaze was fixed forward, away from mine. His right hand was placed on the steering as he drove smoothly. Then, I blinked and everything was back to normal, the glowing light of his car that once illuminated my face disappeared.

"Quinn?" Dylan called and I turned to him, then shrugged my shoulder and went into the car. I watched him walk swiftly to the driver's seat.

I inhaled the scent of his car which smelled exactly like Dylan. The scent was so intoxicating and calming. Soon we drove out of the set.

Dylan stole a glance at me and said, "So, tell me about Ace."

I laughed and massaged my temples, "Please, I don't want to think about him tonight."

Dylan nodded as he took a turn. The radio was on and stuck with you by Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande was the song the station decided to bless us with today.

"I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you. So go ahead and drive me insane," I sang at the top of my lung to the song making me earn a look from Dylan who busted out laughing.

I chuckled between my singing but I still continued, You can't hide my inner star.

"You still have the habit of singing at the top of your lung at your favorite songs," Dylan commented once I was done.

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