Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt11

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Hey everyone thanks for reading I'm really pleased with how many people have read my work! So as a treat I'm going to try my hardest to upload 2chapters tonight! Thanks for being patient with me and a special thanks to Kong57 Your great! Well Enjoy! And Please be sure to comment and vote!


Mimzy1 xx

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"You shot him?" Simon Asked shocked!

"yes I shot him and I don't feel bad about about doing it! I'll understand if you want to tell the police!" I said looking down at my hands again.

"What?! Amie! No! Look at me! I would have shot that basta!d too! I'm not telling the police! You need to come home with me though I promise I wont let him hurt you again!" Simon said as his hands cupped my face I looked up at him into his eyes I knew he would protect me but what about everyone else? "I cant he will hurt the people close to me my friends my family! I cant!" I said sadness laced in my voice!

"OK! Well, I'm not giving up on us! Me and you! We will think of a plan! OK! Promise you wont leave me again?!" I closed my eyes "Amie please!.. I Love You!" O gosh! did he just say that? I opened my eyes and looked straight at him... "we'll think of a plan! Me and You!"......



**** Chapter 11 ****

I had got home around 7pm Clayton had ordered us Pizza and seemed to be in a really good mood. As soon as I had entered the house I had expected him to start a fight about the time I had decided to come home but no! He came up to me and gave me a Big Hug! Yes you heard me right Clayton gave me a Big Hug! I felt my body stiffen at his sudden change of mood.

"Ive missed you baby!" He said loosening his grip on me but still holding me close to him. "Did you have fun with your friends today? What did you do?" He asked with the biggest smile on his face.

"Err, I, Uh.. I went to Gee's and the we went to a Cafe and met Sabrina and ending up having breakfast and some lunch, was nice to catch up with them!" I said in a rush! I'm sure that my stuttering had made his eyes change to that dark colour that they usually turn when he gets angry, But only for a split second then they changed back to his normal chocolate colour eyes. (sorry i forgot what colour Clayton's eyes were if i did say?)


"Anything else?" He asked. O Sh!t he knows! "We went to the park, Gee had work so it was me and Sabrina" I replied smiling "Went back to Sabrina's, and now home to you, What about you?" I asked trying to get off the subject of what I had done today!

"Well I went shopping and got you something!" He replied as he let me go and walked into the bedroom. "I really hope you like it baby! I spent hours looking for the right one" He said as I heard him rummaging threw bags

"A ha!" He said walking back into the living room were he had left me standing. He had his hands behind his back, O Gosh what does he have behind him? I start getting nervous I feel as though my chest is tightening and i cant breath!

"Amie are you alright? You don't look well! Whats wrong!" Wow he really sounded like he was concerned! I can feel my face heat up! The palms of my hands feel sweaty! O Crap I think I'm having a asthma attack! I quickly find my asthma pump in the bottom of my bag and take a few puffs before being lead to the settee and given a glass of water? When did he go into the kitchen to get that?! Clayton takes the seat next to me and looks into my eyes genuine concern shining threw them into mine.

"I'm sorry i haven't had one of those in ages! Sorry if I scared you! Are you OK?" I ask taking his hand in mine and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Yeah I-I uh I'm OK just scared me abit but your OK though right?" "I'm fine Clay! Promise!" I say smiling

He seems satisfied with my reply and stands up walking over to the table were there is a Envelope laying on the table?

Ermm OK way to freak ya self out Amie whats he guna do kill you to death with paper cuts?! You just had some kind of panic/asthma attack over a envelope bet you feel like a twat right? My inner voice echoed in my head, God I really do hate that voice!

Shut up you know you was scared for all I knew that could have been a gun or even a knife!

But it wasn't it was a envelope hahaha!

Like you knew that you know you was sh!tting a brick just as much as I was!

No I wasn't!



Bloody well was!


Ha I win!

Shut up! You know there's something seriously wrong with you! Talking to a voice in your head! Better watch out might get sent to a funny farm!

"Amie!" Clayton said raising his voice slightly making me jump up "I don't want to go to the funny farm!" I said out loud.

"Funny Farm? What are you on about?" Clayton said, his eyebrows knotting together to meet and his small wrinkles in his forehead showing.

"Sorry I erm I don't know what I was erm.. What was you saying anyway?" I asked quickly trying to change the subject

Clayton looked me in the face as if searching for something then laughed out loud not a small laugh but one of those belly aching laughs! I looked at him feeling abit uneasy, When he finally calmed down he sat back down on the settee and patted the spot next to him.

I sat down and turned to face him, "here you go" he said handing me the envelope I looked him in the face abit confused at what was inside "open it then!" he said with a big smile on his face

I opened the envelope and looked inside, I took out the paper inside and looked at them......



A/N Wooo Chapter 11 is up! What is in that envelope?! Hmm You'll have to wait for the next chappy! :D Which will be up in a bit I'm just about to make a start on it now!

:D Make sure you Comment and Vote! :D


Mimzy1 xx

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