Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt15

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Where is she now?" He asked still not able to look me in the face! "Where is she?" I asked slightly confused "There's nothing in the house that would make anyone think you even had a child!" I laughed out loud it was a painful laugh! "I was leaving to move closer to her you know and you turned up! I had everything planned! She is in a special hospital where she is having some new treatments. She has to stay there for 6months at a time! She's in hospital so much that she has her own special room with all her belongings! My home is like a holiday home for her the hospital is her first home!"

"When I get out of here I'm going home, getting my things and going to see my daughter! And if you dare try to stop Clay this time I'll make sure your dead!" I spat at him venom evident in each word!

Clayton stood up and walked to the door " I won't stop you Amie! But i'm coming with you!" He replyed as he walked out the door not giving me a chance to reply......

**** Chapter 15 ****

Clayton's POV:

"When I get out of here I'm going home, getting my things and going to see my daughter! And if you dare try to stop Clay this time I'll make sure your dead!" She spat at me, I could hear the hatred in each word she said!

I stood up and made my way to the door, I can't believe I had turned into this! I had a daughter and I'd hurt her! I felt disgusted with myself! I need to see my daughter I need to make it up to her I need to change! All these years of me trying my hardest not to be him and that's what I've become!

" I won't stop you Amie! But i'm coming with you!" I said trying to hide the shaking that was evident in my voice, I walked out the door not giving her a chance to argue with me. I needed to see my daughter! I walked out of the hospital and sat on a bench in the communual garden.

I ran my hands threw my hair, my fingers catching in the thickness of it I really should get it cut and sort myself out I know that I look a mess but I honestly don't care anymore!

I got in my car and started to drive I had to get this off my chest I had to tell him exactly what he had made me into!

It took just over an hour to reach my destination, Standing out the car the realisation of being so close to him made my hands sweat I hadn't seen him since I left home! I was a grown man now! He Couldn't hurt me... So why was I so scared?

He wasnt so far from me now I called out to him "Dad!"... No Reply... "Dad!" I said a little louder then before still I was greeted with silence.

I stood in front of him, all I wanted was a reply but I knew that was never going to happen! I sat down in front of his grave and cleared away some weeds that had started to grow around him.

"Dad!" I started, not sure where to start "I just wanted to let you know that after I left home I met this beautiful woman! Her name is Amie, I love her soo much it physically hurts me when im away from her! Today I found out that I have a daughter! Her name is Paula!"

I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks but made no attempt to stop them this time! Amie always knew that if we had a daughter I'd want to name her after my mum and she had! I smiled at the fact that after all the crap I'd put her threw she still had used my mothers name for our child!

" I haven't met Paula yet but I will! She's beautiful dad! But there's just one problem! I turned into you!" My blood started to boil the anger starting to surface " I hurt Amie so bad she had to run away from me just like mum did all those times you hurt her! I hate you for hurting my mum and me! I hate you for all the pain you put us threw! Everything she did for you and you would throw it in her face! There was never anything that she could do right!" I began to shout the loud sobs evident in my voice!

"I turned into you and ruined my chance at happiness I didn't just hurt the woman I love but my child as well!" I wiped my face with the back of my hand and started to stand brushing the grass off of my stone wash jeans!

" I just wanted you to know that unlike you I've finally seen the light! I'm going to get help! I refuse to become anymore like you! I watched you break my mum into nothing until she finally gave up! Until she finally closed her eyes and refused to wake! I didn't realise how much of a monster I had become until today! Mum would be disgusted with me, but I'm going to change and am going to make my mum proud of me again!... I just thought you should know!"

"Bye dad" I said as I started to walk back to my car to make my way back to Amie.


Amie's POV:

Its been a few hours since Clayton left, I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes to him seeing Paula? I mean is it a good idea? Is it safe? I really meant what I said when I had told him that I woulds make sure he died this time if he tried to stop me! It had been a few months now that I hadn't been able to see my little girl and it was killing me! Every were I went he was a few steps behind! The first time that I had finally got some time away from him was the day he sent me to see the girls! I had been in contact with the hospital everyday to see how my baby was doing on her new treatment, she seemed to be doing well with only a few bad nights! I cant wait to see her!

I must have been so deep in thought because I hadnt noticed the door open or the person sit beside me on my bed. Cold hands wrapped themselves around mine I looked up and saw Clay starring into my face. He looked worse then when he had left if that was possible?!

"Amie, I just want you to know that I am going to get some help! I-" " Clay don't!" I interrupted but he carried on "no" he said while shaking his head "Listen to me! I'm going to get some real help! I never realised how much of a monster I had become until today! I Love you sooo much and I hurt you! Your the one person that has been there for me no matter what and I hurt you! I'm Sorry! I don't expect you to forgive me I really don't but I want you to know I'm going to change for you! and more importantly for our daughter!"

I listened to him talk with nothing but sincerity in his voice, the whole time he spoke he never broke eye contact once!

"I went to visit my dad's grave today, I haven't been to see him since my mum died! I became him! All these years of trying to be nothing like him and look at me! I'm doing exactly what he did to my mum! And I'm s-s-s-sorry!" He said as he broke down!

My vision started to blur from the tears that I had held back but as he continued talking I let them spill! I moved myself closer to him and pulled him to me embracing him in a hug. His arm snaked around my waist were her held on tightly I squeezed him a bit tighter to me to let him know I was here!

I felt like a idiot for feeling sorry for him but at the same time this was the man that I had given my heart to, this was the man that I knew I still loved! For some reason this time felt different this time felt like he would actually change!

"Clay" I whispered his name into his ear as his head snuggled closer into the crook of my neck. " You can meet her, but only after I've seen you make an effort to get help!" I said, I don't know if this was the right thing to do yet but I should give him a chance right?........


A/N oooow guys! Do u think he deserves a chance? I Hope you liked Clayton's POV I thought it would be cool for everyone to have a better understanding of why he is the way he is! Anyway Comment & Vote! I'd Like to know what people think and if you think I need any improvements made! What would you like to happen next? :)

Mimzy1 xx

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